Clementina, Chapter I – Penetration
Date: 3/2/2024,
Body modification,
Author: JackDRipper
... basement, I started down the passageway.
Fifty feet or so down the tunnel, it took a hard left then opened into a large chamber, probably forty or fifty feet across. It looked old, very old. The weight of centuries, possibly millennia, hung I the air. In the center, lit by floodlights, was a scene that made me catch my breath. A pool roughly ten feet across was fed by a clear spring that flowed from the wall and trickled through a groove in the chamber floor into the pool. On either side of the pool, forming almost an arch over it, were two statues – a woman and a man. Both were nude and were leaning in towards each other in a state of erotic passion. The woman had ridiculously immense – almost cartoonish - breasts that hung out over the pool, and wide child-bearing hips around exaggerated carved labia. One of her hands was around the back of the neck of the man as she leaned towards him, while her other was wrapped around his cock. The man had a comically huge erection, probably long enough to reach almost to his neck. One hand was around his partner’s back, while the other was reaching towards the space between her legs. The tip of his cock hung directly over the pool and was carved as in mid-orgasm, with a large droplet of semen quivering on the tip, as if about to drop into the water below. The woman’s breasts similarly hung over the center of the pool, with carved milk rivulets from the wide, erect nipples poised to drip into the water.
I took a couple more ...
... pictures then let my gaze wander down to the pool underneath the statue. Something moved within the pond. I slowly approached. The pool was deep. A light hung from the top of the chamber pointing directly on the pool, but even with that I couldn’t see the bottom. But I could see something light-colored – several of them – wriggling about in the water.
One slipped upward and broke the surface. It was a snake-like thing – somewhat similar to the dead one I had seen out in Clementina’s basement and her tub – but instead of being grayish-black, the ones in the pool were creamy white and had beautiful sky blue eyes that were now regarding me. I smiled and the creature seemed to understand I had no bad intentions, because it swam towards me and perched at the edge of the pool near my feet.
I crouched down. The thing made a sound that sounded like a cross between a squeak and a purr and crawled onto my hand. It’s touch was soft and wet, and there was something calming. I knew somehow that I had nothing to fear.
The thing slithered up my arm to my shoulder, where it perched for a moment and nuzzled my ear. To my surprise, it reached around and kissed me on the lips.
I smiled and when I opened my mouth, it pressed it’s head inside, bumping against my teeth. I pulled my head back, and whispered “no”, scolding it gently. I kept my lips closed as it bumped them once, twice, three times in little kisses, before giving up and seeming to be content to perch on my shoulder for the time ...