Clementina, Chapter I – Penetration
Date: 3/2/2024,
Body modification,
Author: JackDRipper
... being.
I noticed that a couple more had emerged from the pool and were now at my feet, mewing up at me. The sense of calm and peace I had felt a moment ago, only became stronger. And underneath it, a feeling of desire. The feeling was not unlike what I felt when I drank Clementina’s breast milk, and in fact, the little creatures had a faint odor not unlike the licorice undertones of her creamy milk.
I gently stepped away from the pool being careful not to step on any of my new friends. The combination of the erotic statue and the sensations invoked by these creatures was causing me to feel slightly aroused, and the first stirrings of an erection threatened. I cast around the room, which was mostly empty except for a small stone dais or altar on the opposite side of the pool.
Then I spotted it. Against the wall stood a small chest. With my new friend perched on my shoulder I wandered over, trailed by three of his little buddies squirming across the floor.
The chest was an antique, I guessed it belonged to someone in Clementina’s ancestry. I pulled it open. Inside there was a blanket, underneath of which were what looked like old scientific instruments – a burner, some beakers and tubes, pipettes, and a journal. I picked up the journal and made a perfunctory skim through it. Some of the text looked like a personal journal, while other texts looked like lab notes. I stopped at a drawing of two creatures.
They both were like the little snake creatures I had been ...
... seeing. One was creamy white with bright blue eyes, like my little crew that were now following me around the chamber like puppies. But the other was black, and its eyes practically glowed red off the pages menacingly.
Sensitive of the time – I still had to get back to the plumbing before my mom finished with Clementina - I set the journal out and closed the chest. I would take it with me and read it later. I walked around the chamber to the altar. On the side of the altar was a switch, I pressed it.
Behind me another small door to a crawlspace popped open.
As soon as the door opened, my little entourage squeaked in alarm and retreated back to the pool. The one who had been on my shoulder made an impressive arc through the air and landed with a splash in the center of the pond. The group of them clustered at the surface of the water, watching me intently.
Whatever it was beyond that door, my new friends didn’t like it.
I bent down and peered down the new tunnel. There was no light switch, but a pale glow came from a chamber about ten feet down the crawlspace. A soft, damp odor wafted out – steamy, musky, thick. I wriggled my way down the tunnel and emerged into another large chamber.
This chamber was lit by a faint glow from a diffuse light source that came from a strange, pulsating tunnel or crawlspace at the far end of the chamber. It was narrow, only a couple feet across, and instead of being made of rock, stone, or masonry, it looked almost organic, and ...