Clementina, Chapter I – Penetration
Date: 3/2/2024,
Body modification,
Author: JackDRipper
... door.
As I pulled out of the driveway, I glanced up towards Clementina’s house. I could see her standing in an upstairs window, probably waiting until she saw me leave for the store before she came down for her rendezvous with my mom.
I picked up a couple of supplies, and made my way to Clementina’s place. She wasn’t home when I got there, but the door was unlocked, and I carried my supplies down to the basement.
The problem plumbing was in the chamber where the rock pile was. I drained the damaged pipe, prepared for the replacement, then while it dried I turned my attention to the rocks. The desiccated snake-like thing was still under the rock when I rolled it out. I walked back and forth across the pile, shining a light into the cracks and crevices, looking for anything hidden or concealed in among the stones. I didn’t see anything amiss, nor did I see any more of those gray snake-like things.
The area under the rocky crawlspace was framed by a series of support posts that stood along the edge of the area. The posts looked like just normal 8x8 wooden columns. I reached into the crawlspace and picked up a rock. Most of them were about the size of a bowling ball and the one I ***********ed weighed about what you would expect. I reached for another, the same thing.
Leaning further into the crawlspace, I reached for another rock from an odd-looking stack to the left – they were a slightly different color and shape than the others. I gave it a tug and tried to ...
... lift it, but no luck. Was it cemented in? I climbed into the space and tried again to lift the rock, to no avail.
Curious. I moved back to the right, and the rocks there were normal, I was able to shift them around. I suddenly wondered if the rocks in the left-hand section were even rocks. I used my fingernail to scrape the surface of one, and a thin layer of material came away. Fake. I shined my flashlight around the crawlspace again. Then I saw it.
On the back of one of the 8x8 columns, facing the crawlspace, not the outside, there was a keyhole that looked suspiciously like it might fit that key I had found.
I dug my facsimile key from my tool bag. It fit perfectly. I slid it in, and gave it a turn.
Deep within the left-side “rock” pile, something clicked and whirred and a five foot section slid forward into the chamber, revealing a small door, about three feet tall. It, too, had a keyhole that the key fit. I pulled the door open. Beyond was a crawlspace leading back into the hillside.
I took a picture with my camera, then I shined a flashlight into the crawlspace. A couple feet down the tunnel was a switch. I threw it, revealing a long, downward-slanted tunnel. A dozen or so feet down it widened to a passage wide enough to stand it. The bulbs, spaced about every ten feet, threw a dim, shadowy, light down the passageway. I froze, waiting to see if anyone appeared but there was nothing, no sound came to me.
With a furtive glance back into Clementina’s ...