Clementina, Chapter I – Penetration
Date: 3/2/2024,
Body modification,
Author: JackDRipper
... hints. I think she wants to lure me in slowly, sort of the same way she did with you and the hole in the bathroom wall. Once she has me interested, she’ll lower the boom. I dropped my own hints to keep her interested, but didn’t totally buy what she was selling.”
I lowered my eyes and shook my head.
“I, on the other hand, went in hook, line and sinker,” I added, ruefully.
My mother wrapped her arm around my shoulder. “Don’t feel bad, you’re young and you got taken advantage of by an older, wiser lady. If I was your age and had an opportunity to watch a woman that looked like her masturbate in the tub, I might have been up there in the crawlspace rubbing myself madly too. Heck, even today I might have gotten sucked in if I hadn’t known what she did to you.”
She kissed me on the cheek, then picked up her phone and typed a message to Clementina.
“Hey there. Thinking of you. If I can get Russel out of the house tomorrow maybe you can come over for awhile? Maybe pick up that conversation where we left off?” This was followed by a heart emoji.
“Where we left off?” I asked, reading over her shoulder.
“Just a little light flirting,” my mother said, as a reply came back from Clementina.
“Thinking of you too. Love the idea. How about if I text Russel and see if he can come by tomorrow and finish the pipes?” Clementina wrote.
“You are devious,” I said as my mother typed.
“Awesome! Perfect! I can’t wait!” my mother texted back. Then she went out into the ...
... kitchen and splashed water on the front of her tank top, turning it translucent. She shot a photo and texted it to Clementina, adding “I can’t be trusted washing the dishes. Oops!”
“That ought to get her wet,” she said, returning to the food as my own phone beeped with the text from Clementina asking me if I could come by tomorrow to finish the work.
I confirmed I would be over around mid-day.
After eating, I went down to the workshop and made a facsimile of the key. I dropped it in my toolbox.
My mother and I watched a movie on Netflix, had a nightcap quickie on the couch, then headed to bed.
The next morning we both slept in, finally crawling out of bed around 9:00. I lounged around and played video games for awhile while my mom made herself pretty for the visit from Clementina. Shortly before 11:00 I shot Clementina a text letting her know I was running to the hardware store for supplies but would be by in a bit.
My mom came down right before I left for the store. She wore a cotton jumper that threatened to pop open at the slightest breeze, and had done up her makeup just enough to look good but not enough to look like she had spent any time on it. In other words, she looked totally like she was just hanging around the house on a lazy afternoon feeling horny. I gave her a kiss.
“I am jealous of Clementina,” I said.
She gave my cock a quick stroke through my shorts. “So am I,” she said, and returned my kiss.
“Have fun,” I added, and headed out the ...