Clementina, Chapter I – Penetration
Date: 3/2/2024,
Body modification,
Author: JackDRipper
... these years was mine.
My mother and I lay on the bed, basking in the afterglow. She had her head and breasts on my chest, and my arms were around her shoulders.
“Wow,” she whispered, not for the first time.
“Yeah, wow,” I replied, also not for the first time.
My mom giggled. “So, how’d that compare with Clementina?” she asked.
“Clementina can’t touch you,” I said. She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips, then got up and pulled on her thong and the tank top she had been wearing.
“I don’t know about you,” she said. “But I’m starving. Thai delivery okay?”
“Works for me.”
She padded out of the room and down the stairs in her tank and thong. I pulled on a pair of shorts and followed her down, bringing the wine. We ordered the food, then sat in the kitchen sipping more of the wine. I was mulling over all the odd things that had happened around Clementina in the past few days.
“There’s something strange about that woman,” I said and filled my mother in on all the little, niggling points that had been collecting in the past 48 hours. The shape in the tub, the wriggling feeling of something in Clementina’s body, her breast milk, the key in the nightstand, and the odd sounds I heard in the corner of her basement.
“Individually, they are all minor points with logical explanations,” I concluded. “But after awhile, there are just so many points of oddity that it starts to look like a pattern, though I’m fucked if I can figure out what it ...
... means.”
I showed her the photos of the key I had found. My mom was intrigued.
“How long would it take for you to make an imitation?” she asked.
“If I skip the fancy carving and scrollwork, which I think is just decoration, I could turn something out in probably an hour or less. It’s pretty simple.”
“Maybe you should make one and take it with you whenever you go over there, just in case you find whatever it is that key fits. And maybe next time you are over there, you could dig under that rock pile and see what’s down there.”
“I’ll be in that chamber when I fix this new leak. I just need to get her out of the house while I’m working.”
Our food arrived and we continued our conversation a few minutes later as we sat on the couch eating Thai out of cardboard containers..
“I have an idea how to get her out of the house,” my mother said, covering a mouthful of Thai with her hand. “When she was here yesterday morning, I felt her out a little. I wondered if I might be able to share your load.” She winked.
“Share my load?” I asked. “You mean have sex with her? I didn’t know you swung that way. I thought you were pretty much straight.”
“I dabbled in bisexuality in college. My dorm mate and I had a fling for awhile, and even after we fell out of love we were occasional fuck buddies until we graduated. But I pretty much went straight once I fell in love with your father.”
“Did Clementina come on to you?”
“Not in so many words, but she definitely dropped some ...