1. Then it Dawned on Me Ch. 06

    Date: 1/4/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byItCantBeMe

    Dr. Mendel's Office calling:
    "Good afternoon may I speak with Jane?"
    "This is she."
    "Hi Jane this is Shonda with Dr. Mendel's office, calling to remind you of your appointment tomorrow at 9:00 am."
    "Thank you very much I'll see you then."
    "Have a nice day."
    "You too." I hung up and returned the phone to my pocket.
    "Who was that?" Matt called from the next room.
    "Dr. Mendel's office reminding me of my appointment tomorrow. I'm glad, I had forgotten all about it."
    "Another one? I thought she said you were fine?" He said as he came into the room looking concerned.
    "She did, I am. She said it's not going to kill me, but she wants to monitor the growth of the cyst every few months for a while to see what we're dealing with."
    "Yeah, I just thought you were done with all that. When's the appointment?"
    "Alright, I've got a conference call then, maybe afterwards we can get some coffee or something." I smiled and nodded as he kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around my side.
    "Jane" The nurse called out as I dropped the magazine back on the coffee table and picked up my purse to follow her back to the ultrasound room.
    "You know the drill." The sweet old tech said to me as she gestured to the bathroom. I did. This was my 4th sonogram checking on this stupid big cyst growing on, or should I say basically encasing, my right ovary.
    After a year of trying to get pregnant after our wedding, I saw my gynecologist to ...
    ... figure out what was going on. She found a big cyst growing on my ovary and told me this particular type is common with infertility, and I would probably not be able to have children, or at the very least since it was overtaking one of my ovaries, if I was fertile, it was going to be very difficult for me to get pregnant. Matt and I accepted our new lot in life and said we would adopt if we really wanted to later.
    I stared at the white and black swirling lines on the monitor that meant very little to me.
    "How long since your last period?" The tech asked and I told her.
    "What type of birth control are you using?" she asked as she tapped the keyboard and scroll ball selecting a section of my uterus with a little white dot I hadn't seen before in any of my other sonograms.
    "I'm not." She tapped and scrolled a few more times and never even looked at the cyst. "Am I pregnant?"
    "Yes." I felt so overwhelmed with joy, I couldn't believe it actually happened. We were having a baby!
    I was fawning over my sonogram pictures and staring at the impossible in the waiting room as the doctor called me into her office.
    "Thank you! I can't believe it, you said I wouldn't be able to?"
    "I said you wouldn't or it would be very hard. I suppose you tried very hard. Haha."
    "We had kind of given up. I mean not given up but quit trying."
    "Well, looks like your 'not trying' around the middle of April did the trick. I'd say you're about five or six weeks ...