1. A Pretty Elf in Qeynos Part One

    Date: 11/26/2023, Categories: Fantasy Blowjob Cosplay, Cuckold, Exhibitionism Humiliation Voyeurism Author: Steweird

    ... soft instantly. How could she!!??
    He fought the brief urge to rush into the tent and pull the soldier off of his lover before she was sullied even more by his sweating body. A numbing fog began to close around his mind. Things began to become faint as if his brain was shutting down his senses. Voices of the fornicating couple reached his ears as if they were a long distance away, yet the words were still clear above the pain in his heart and the sickness in his stomach. Cadwarra was making mewing sounds which were rising in intensity. He heard the sentry ask “You liking this, Miss?”
    “Oh, yes!” Cadwarra’s panting voice pierced the fog clearly, stabbing into Falco’s heart, dispelling any chance it was not Cadwarra under that bastard or even that she was not really enjoying it. “ooooh!.....I am coming again!!! Here I go!!!!” and a cry of ecstasy escaped her as her body shook. Though the sentry and Falco were both watching her face as she came, it was with markedly different feelings.
    “Good timing.” the sentry responded. “I can’t hold off any longer.” He rose up, pulling his stiff cock out of her. It stuck up stiffly in full view, swaying obscenely back and forth as he shifted his knees and positioned himself over her flat belly. Falco was shocked by the size of it. That cock was so much bigger than his.
    Much bigger! It was huge! Falco looked at it in dismay as it stood up proud and erect over his girl. Her wetness, which should have been exclusively for him, ...
    ... glistened on the Sentry’s shaft. It now seemed to Falco that his efforts to please Cadwarra were laughably inadequate, his tool too small for the purpose of giving her the kind of pleasure she had just enjoyed with that Human.
    Falco stared at the sentry’s schlong, unable to turn away. Humiliation turned his brown face a deep purple! No wonder she went to the sentry after he left her. He now knew his own size was inadequate for a girl as pretty as Cadwarra. Laughable, even.
    Until now, he had assumed he could and had satisfied Cadwarra. Now he knew better. Under his thrusting she had never shown the kind of pleasure she was now showing to the sentry! Never arched her back like that nor grimaced and moaned with such abandon. She had never really shown any pleasure at all during their fuck, now that he thought about it. What a fool he was! A cuckold! The two had probably laughed together over the size of his dick while the sentry was ripping her clothes off and pushing her down nude onto the cot!
    Falco wanted to just get away before they saw him! Before they knew he knew! He looked around for the safest route back to the gates out of there. He would die if they saw him beating his humiliating retreat.
    Before he could determine his best route, and as if the pain of Cadwarra’s betrayal was not bad enough, he heard her exclaim excitedly “Yes, cum all over me!”
    Fascinated by the horror of the image these words evoked, unable to not look, he turned back to the naked couple and ...