1. A Pretty Elf in Qeynos Part One

    Date: 11/26/2023, Categories: Fantasy Blowjob Cosplay, Cuckold, Exhibitionism Humiliation Voyeurism Author: Steweird

    ... he was about to head back to search for Cadwarra somewhere else. Maybe the Peat Bog and he should check the Caves, too. At the last minute, he heard a noise to his right, like a bed squeaking. He glanced into the tent at the cot and saw two figures lying together.
    One of the guards was on top of a naked girl as she lay on her back on the cot being raped. Both bodies were wet with perspiration from the heat of the afternoon.
    Falco could tell it was a rape by the way she was writhing under his weight as the pervert pinned her, his hands pushing down on her shoulders. She struggled and moaned as he forced himself into her. One big boob was plainly visible as it swayed under each hard thrust but her face was obscured as he nibbled on her left earlobe.
    Falco slunk over behind a tree to spy on them, glancing furtively around to ensure that neither the other guard nor Cadwarra were around. His eyes fixed back on the writhing bodies, enjoying the sight of a helpless girl being forced.
    “She probably deserves to be raped!” He muttered quietly to himself. His penis bulged as he watched the sentry humping away while she squirmed and tried to get away. This was certainly worth delaying his search for Cadwarra for a few minutes to enjoy the show and it was sure was going to help to get him into the mood to screw her but good. He briefly rubbed his cock through his leather, excited at the violent sex he was watching.
    The sentry lifted his head and kissed the girl’s lips. ...
    ... Falco still could not get a good look at her face because her long tresses had fallen across her forehead and cheek. He was sure she was a pretty one, though. He wondered suddenly what Cadwarra looked like when her hair was down. He made a note that next time he ought to undo her hair before they screwed.
    The sentry broke off his kiss with a loud smack and raised his shoulders so he could fuck the squirming, moaning whore even harder. Both of her tits were now showing and they jiggled wildly on her chest as she struggled under the Sentry’s body. Her big nipples reminded Falco of Cadwarra’s. - How he was going to suck on them as soon as he found her!
    Suddenly the girl raised her strong, shapely legs and wrapped them around the sentry’s waist. Her long, well toned thigh muscles moving to pull him in deeper. Falco heard her throaty, aroused voice plead “Do it harder, please! That feels soooo good!”
    “By Karana!” He realized, a bit disappointed. “She’s letting him give it to her!”
    Oh well, maybe it wasn’t rape, but it was still great to watch.
    Just then she turned her face his way a little and her locks fell away from her face. It was so twisted in the throes of a mounting orgasm that it took Falco a moment to recognize her.
    It was Cadwarra!
    Cadwarra!!? His girl was willingly doing it naked with someone else! Right there! Some bastard was sticking it into her! And a scant hour after she had done it with him!
    Stunned, he stood stock still. His proud cock was ...