A Pretty Elf in Qeynos Part One
Date: 11/26/2023, Categories: Fantasy Blowjob Cosplay, Cuckold, Exhibitionism Humiliation Voyeurism Author: Steweird
He was a handsome but silly boy. He fought inexpertly with his tin longsword as he and the girl, Cadwarra, hunted spiders in the Forest Ruins. Like her, he was a Wood Elf. “A Wood Elf with a woody!” she thought as she noticed how his shiny new leather leggings were filled with something that bulged appreciatively as he fought. He stared at Cadwarra’s chest whenever they rested between melees. She had big ones. More and more as the morning wore on, it was only Cadwarra that hunted spiders. He mostly stared at her breasts as they bounced inside the leather tunic in sympathy with her ever-improving sword strokes. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught him trying to look down her loose fitting tunic as she bent to retrieve a valuable jewel one spider had some how pilfered and kept. Back home, she had caught other boys looking down her top and had invariably been annoyed by this. For some reason this boy’s peering was somehow pleasurable. Maybe it was the loneliness of the huge City that was affecting her that way. He craned his neck unsublty. She saw him out of the corner of her eye. She knew the rawhide front of her tunic had fallen open so as to reveal everything to his horny gaze but she did nothing about it. In fact, she stayed bent over the dead spider a ridiculously long time, pretending to have trouble freeing the jewel from the lifeless spider claw and feeling that pleasant tingly warmth between her legs. He stared down her top and she knew her tits were jiggling ...
... for his pleasure as she pulled and twisted on the jewel. She increased her efforts so as to make her tits shake even more rapidly. She wanted him to look, for some reason. Her nipples began to harden. She liked that he was seeing them rise into inviting pink stalks. He saw that they were thick and and rose high from her areole. “You’re hot” He said as she finally stood up. His voice quavered nervously, not knowing how this girl would take his remark. Cadwarra pretended naivity as she stood and answered “Yes, the sun is almost directly above us. This fighting is warm work.” Very briefly, a barely discernable look of annoyance flashed across his face at her appearant misunderstanding of his ‘compliment’. Then he recovered and gave Cadwarra a goofy grin that was presumably an attempt at a charming smile. “I know a place we can go to cool off. I think we have cleared a good many of these pests from the forest. Lets go get our bounty and take a break.” He suggested. Despite her deliberate flashing of her mams and the pleasure it had invoked, Cadwarra would have preferred to rid herself of the company of the young lad. But a rest seemed a good idea and she did not know how to refuse without hurting his feelings. She nodded ok. His erection still obvious, he clumsily took her hand and walked with her back up the slope to where the sergeant was paying bounties for each spider killed. He did not seem to mind that his meat was explicitly outlined to Cadwarra, but as he ...