1. Adventures in Modern Dating

    Date: 11/9/2023, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byFatdog25

    ... you couldn't call them itty-bitty. The way she was holding the phone between them made the fabric of her shirt tight over the globes and she had a visible case of the pokies. As usual, she was totally unaware. Her exercise shorts were bunched up and there was a faint indentation between her legs. Her bare heel concealed most of it. As a rule, April disliked clothes of any sort. She didn't parade around naked but if she didn't have to wear them, she wouldn't.
    "I told you it's a survey. About woman things."
    "Cool." I pulled out my phone and opened up my sports app. I started scrolling through sports stories randomly and she relaxed. She shifted slightly so I couldn't see the screen without moving my head and went back to doing her survey. April let out a sigh of accomplishment and dropped her phone into her lap. I still couldn't see what had captured her attention like that.
    A minute later, an alert sounded on my phone and a banner flashed across the top of the screen. April glanced over as I swiped up to dismiss it. It was that damn dating app announcing I had more questions to answer.
    I had alerts muted on my phone as a rule and April knew it. She smirked at me, "Finally got a hit?" She had accidentally discovered my attempts at online dating and thought my losing streak was funny. I couldn't imagine her reaction if she found out just how bad it really was.
    "Nope, there's a Premier League match starting. It didn't save the previous settings when the app ...
    ... updated yesterday." It was too early for that day's matches but April didn't know that. She shook her head sadly.
    As she went to pick up the TV remote, I put my phone on vibrate quickly. I didn't need her finding out about this one. I had already told her I had given up on virtual dating life.
    April scrolled through the offerings on Netflix. She settled on a movie that screamed "chick flick" and settled back, phone still face down in her lap. We sat in silence for a while until she broke it.
    "Wanna go to the bookstore later?"
    Her question was surprising. I couldn't remember the last time she asked me to go anywhere. Usually, if she wanted to go someplace, she would just go.
    "Yeah, I haven't been in a long time." She was still engrossed in the movie so I checked the dating app quickly. No hits, just the additional questions.
    Putting my phone down, it didn't take long to recognize the movie. It was a chick flick that she liked, the name escaped me, boy meets girl, they fight, they fuck, they fall in love, and then live happily ever after. Pretty much every one of them ever made was like that.
    What was weird was that she wasn't just watching it, she was studying it. Usually, her phone would be in her hands while she scrolled through Instagram or TikTok and recited the dialog in sync with the characters. Not today, though. She was all business.
    We watched the rest of the movie in silence. She scrolled around after it ended but couldn't find anything else she was ...