1. Heather and Michael

    Date: 11/4/2023, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: by8letters

    ... you are up for it?"
    "I am if you carry most of the water."
    When their parents got back, Michael brought up that he wanted to hike to the top of Eagle Mountain and tomorrow was his last chance as the next day they would break camp and go home.
    "I want to go too!" Heather almost shouted.
    "Too long of a hike for me," said Mom. "What about you, dear?"
    "I am not quite as young as I used to be," said Dad. "Besides, somebody should stay in camp with you." Dad gave Mom a wink. Mom rolled her eyes.
    The next morning as everyone else made breakfast, Michael packed for the hike. He gathered and filled all the water bottles. He threw sun screen and bug spray into a day pack. Then he put in some rope and a towel.
    "Why the towel, Son?" asked Dad.
    "As Heather hasn't made this hard of a hike before, I think it would be wise if regularly take 15 minute breaks. There will be fewer trees up that high so I am thinking I will rig a lean to for breaks to keep the sun off us."
    Dad seemed impressed by Michael's foresight and didn't say any more. After breakfast, Heather and Michael started off on the trail. Out of sight of camp, they held hands. Heather thought about taking her bikini top off, but as they were both so focused on the hike that it wouldn't be sexy like it had been on the creek.
    "So what is like on the top of Eagle Mountain?" asked Heather.
    "Fantastic. You can see forever. It is ...
    ... a really hard hike, but there is nothing like the feeling of accomplishment when you reach the top."
    As they hiked, the trail got steeper and narrower. They had to stop holding hands.
    After two hours, Michael said, "Let's take a break."
    Heather set down on a rock and got out a bottle of water. "Michael, aren't you going to set up the lean to?"
    "No, we still have plenty of shade. Maybe the next break. I really brought the towel along to fuck on. Have you seen any place you want to slip away to?"
    "I want to fuck on top if we can. We haven't been seeing other hikers."
    After they had their fill of water, Michael leaned over and kissed Heather. They made out for a few minutes, then Michael broke off the kiss.
    "Time to get going," he said.
    As they climbed higher, Michael took more frequent breaks. He seemed to know when Heather was getting close to exhaustion. He kept the breaks short, just long enough for her to recharge. And his kisses always recharged her. Michael practically pulled her the last half hour up to the summit. When she reached it, Heather collapsed on the ground.
    Michael pulled out the towel and helped Heather move over to it. He then dug out the camera, stood up and started taking pictures.
    Heather called out, "Little Bro!" He turned around and saw that she was lying naked on the towel.
    Michael smiled at her. "You are so beautiful, Sis" Heather was coated with sweat and her hair was a mess, but Michael obviously meant it. "I would ...