Island Fever 4: Paradise - Chapter 13
Date: 11/12/2017,
Male / Females
Author: JeremyDCP
... caressed Jeremy's shoulder. He looked over at me, his expression smoldering, then skimmed a hand from my neck through my cleavage, all the way to my stomach. A knowing smile flashed across Jeremy's face as I sucked in a breath in response to his delicate touch. I held his hand at my stomach, my smile even wider. Lindsay was vibrating with desire beneath Jeremy. He returned his attention to her (rightfully so, I may add) and trailed his lips and tongue down her torso. He placed a slow kiss on the inside of her thigh that had Lindsay closing her eyes in utter surrender. "Jeremy..." she whispered. Jeremy raised his head and darted upward for a kiss. It was slow, languid and thorough. He brought his knee between Lindsay's thighs and applied pressure, wringing a gasp from her as the kiss soon became rough and demanding. "I've got you," Jeremy promised her, again moving slowly down her body. He parted Lindsay's thighs and used his tongue to lick her most tender part, sending a powerful jolt of electricity shooting all throughout her. Lindsay squeezed the sheets in her hands, knotting them furiously. "Oh God, Jeremy..." As Jeremy made good on his promise, Lindsay turned her face toward me on the mattress. I could tell that the onslaught of pleasurable sensation was too much for her to handle. Way too much. She was gone, elsewhere, someplace else. Jeremy held her physical body in place, moving his tongue in tantalizing circles as Lindsay's passion continued to climb. She moved her ...
... hips helplessly against Jeremy's mouth, giving herself to him. And then at one final swipe of Jeremy's hot, skilled tongue, Lindsay cried out his name and arched against his mouth. The passion came over her all at once, a tidal wave of desire she was helpless to resist. Lindsay shuddered and held on because it was all she could do. Her release was simply amazing. It was, in a word, Heaven. Absolute Heaven. Lindsay lost her faculties for a moment, but when she crested down and back to reality, Jeremy was placing soft kisses on the underside of her breasts and peeking up at her with those kind and considerate brown eyes of his. "You're beautiful," Jeremy told her quietly, shaking his head. He traced the curve of Lindsay's jaw. She tried to speak, but her voice must have gotten caught somewhere within her throat. Instead, she smiled to let him know that she had heard him, that his words meant something special to her. Cradling Jeremy's face, Lindsay placed a soft kiss upon his lips and slid a hand between his legs. She closed her eyes at what she found there and stroked steadily. Back and forth across his hardness. Slow and even. Nice and steady. Jeremy moaned in response to being touched. He closed his own eyes in rapture as Lindsay continued the brisk movement. Back and forth. Teasing just enough. When Jeremy groaned again, Lindsay tightened her grip on his erection, while moving her thumb across the underside of its tip. Jeremy's breath became more and more shallow with each ...