Island Fever 4: Paradise - Chapter 13
Date: 11/12/2017,
Male / Females
Author: JeremyDCP
[[[-IF4-P13.TXT-]]] ---------------- Island Fever 4: Paradise Written by: M/F, F/F and a whole lot more ---------------- Chapter 13: "Sweetest. Girl. Ever." (Jeremy's words) ------------------------------------------- Hello everyone! My name is Trish. I figure if you have read any of this grand saga that "JeremyDCP" has written (and cannot seem to stop apparently), you should know who I am by now. If not, here is a very brief introduction. I am 32 years old and originally from a small town just outside of Toronto, Ontario, Canada called [City Name]. Currently I reside in Norway with the most amazing man any girl ever ask for (Jeremy, my big lug of a husband) and the sweetest, most tender and captivating woman on the face of the planet, Lindsay (my wife). Oh, I also have a few other wives too (Kristanna, Devon, Pamela and Amy), and a live-in girlfriend (and probable future wife) in Scarlett. All eight of us are a close-knit, happy family, and there are two little babies (Kaden and Piper) sprinkled amongst us as well. They are our two angels! Unfortunately, our group has to keep its situation and the relationships we share a secret from the general public. It amazes me how a few certain individuals have gotten angry at our family over the past few years for the decisions we have made when it does not affect them in the slightest. Is our happiness meaningless because others do not agree with the way we have chosen to lead our lives? Certainly, we are not ...
... in the business of judging others. I see nothing wrong where, eventually, all eight of us will be married to each other. We are all happy together, and this is what we want. A little known fact is that _I_ am actually the driving force behind Jeremy and his desire to share our tale of love and dedication through the written word. Erotica has always been one of my favorite genres to read, whereas before embarking on this story, Jeremy was constantly writing about various subjects and trying to come up with new ideas. One day, I suggested to Jeremy that, since he is such a talented author, he share _our_ story. He had never delved into erotica before, but I knew he could make this story happen with his pure writing talent alone. Thus, with the full blessing and support of the others in our relationship, we all thought that Jeremy may write a sexy (and maybe even a dirty) chapter or two, but that would be it. None of us could ever possibly imagine that it would be 71 chapters (no joke) in length thus far, and still going strong! We gave Jeremy permission to say and tell whatever he wanted, yet no one could imagine the attention to every minor detail he has placed into the story. I certainly had no clue that he had so much to say! (I am like a ray of sunshine? The submissive-themed chapters with Amy were smoking hot! Lindsay and her teddy bear, Mr. Gordo; how embarrassing that chapter must have been for her! Seriously, how many times has Jeremy said that his cock _exploded_ or ...