Island Fever 4: Paradise - Chapter 13
Date: 11/12/2017,
Male / Females
Author: JeremyDCP
... extended her thumb and slipped it inside me, offering me attention where I needed it most. I turned my face to the side on the mattress as the erotic pressure built inside of me until I was certain that it could not climb any higher. But then it did. Thrust upon thrust of Lindsay's thumb sent me to even greater heights. Finally, in a burst of pleasure, I came quite hard and fast. I clutched Lindsay's hand with my thighs as I rode out the blissful waves that took me over completely. The amount of hot pleasure that crashed into me was more than a bit overwhelming. Lindsay looked down at me, my lips still parted and my breathing heavy, yet somehow, I already knew. Without having all that much done to her, Lindsay was incredibly aroused and only moments behind me in terms of her own climax. It was the submissive streak in her; Lindsay was in her element when she was given the opportunity to please and satisfy others. Oftentimes, she found greater joy out of pleasing others than she did receiving it herself. Even though I was still coming down from orgasm myself, I reached between our bodies and with only a few, firm strokes, I sent Lindsay tumbling over the edge directly after me. I clung to her tightly, lovingly, rocking her through it. I kissed her reddened, sweet cheek once she eased onto the bed next to me and stared up at the ceiling, trying to breathe. After a brief moment of rest, Lindsay turned her head on the mattress and smiled at me. "I love you, Trish." "I love ...
... you too, baby." Lindsay squealed with a mixture of surprise and delight as Jeremy literally swooped in out of nowhere and swept her up into his arms. Jeremy cradled Lindsay like a small child, kissing her madly, then carried her over to the desk and promptly deposited her onto it. Lindsay's blue eyes were wide, bulging with desire. Already on a mission of her own, she pulled the black shirt over Jeremy's head, revealing his bare, rippling chest. I licked my lips at the mere sight. Jeremy took a moment to stare in awe at the picturesque visual of Lindsay in all her naked glory, her smallish, taut breasts rising and falling with every breath. Then, Jeremy stepped forward and kissed Lindsay once again. His hands sought out her breasts, his thumbs circling her nipples. He cupped and squeezed her breasts, jiggling them about. Lindsay undid Jeremy's belt and whipped it off in a hurry, then unbuttoned his trousers and slipped her hands underneath the fabric, kneading and massaging his hips. Jeremy moved back and again stared at Lindsay, He now placed his hands on either side of her face and kissed her passionately. "I want you," Lindsay whispered against his mouth. "Now." Jeremy nodded, meeting Lindsay's eyes. He lifted her from the desk and returned her to the bed. Jeremy disposed of his trousers and briefs, then was on top of Lindsay as she squirmed and writhed upon the mattress directly next to me. They kissed in a hot, twisted tangle of lips and tongues until I reached out and ...