Sean's Story: Chapter 5
Date: 11/9/2017, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Boy, Boy / Boy, Cum Swallowing Gay Oral Sex Teen Teen Male / Teen Male, Young Author: Freudian Slip
... “Shut up.” “Well, a little sun wouldn’t hurt you.” My mom chided. We joked around through dinner and then I cleared the table when we were done. I really did like my parents. My dad still had some issues with me being gay but it never came up and I was ok with that. My mom and I talked about it now and then but the conversation never got too serious. Sometimes it just consisted of her asking if I thought a guy was cute. I was just glad she felt comfortable enough to ask me questions like that considering how long it took me to come out. I went back up to my room and did some reading. I was still a big fan of the Ender’s Game series having read all of the ones in the main saga. I was now onto the Shadow series and had just recently started reading “Shadow of the Giant”. It was good so far and I was enjoying it even though Orson Scott Card’s political views bothered me. I wondered if the fact that gay people bought his books bothered Card. Probably not as long as he got our money. I read a couple chapters than realized that it was getting late and I had school in the morning so I decided to head to bed. I looked out my window again. Closed. What the fuck? He said that he’d leave them open for me. Didn’t he? Was I crazy? I brushed my teeth, stripped down, and got into bed. My last memory before drifting off was of Josh’s smile after I blew him. I slept heavenly though I couldn’t recall any dreams. The next morning was my usual routine. Got up, showered, ate breakfast, and then ...
... walked to school with Casey and Josh. It was awkward. More awkward than it should have been. Casey was his normal self and I tried to act normal and converse but Josh seemed to have shut down. Fuck…. Did he regret what we did? Was he ashamed? Would he never talk to me again? When we got to school we were about to all head our separate ways when Josh made me a little signal to wait with him. I signaled to Casey that I’d see him in a bit. Josh looked kinda sheepish and I waited for him to talk. “Sorry about being so quiet. I didn’t mean to ignore you.” “Ah, so I do exist.” “I said sorry.” He said slightly pathetically, “Just… I know you’re close with Casey and I don’t want people to know that we… did stuff. I mean, I want to continue but I’m not ready for people to know yet.” Ok. So it wasn’t me. He was worried I was gonna say something to Casey? “I won’t say anything to anyone. I promise.” “Thanks.” He really looked relieved by that. Did he really think I’d tell Casey about my sucking his cock? I guess boys will be boys but I doubted he’d want to hear about my sexcapades anyway. Weren’t straight guys notoriously squeamish about gay stuff? “I can’t wait for tonight.” I said in my best flirty voice. He looked mortified. “Ssssh. Have a nice day.” Closeted guys are so cute. “Bye cutie.” He cast me the most adorable glare as I walked away. I joined Casey in class and gave him some excuse about Josh wanting my advice on a girl since I was gay and all. Casey laughed and said that I ...