1. Sean's Story: Chapter 5

    Date: 11/9/2017, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Boy, Boy / Boy, Cum Swallowing Gay Oral Sex Teen Teen Male / Teen Male, Young Author: Freudian Slip

    Sean’s Story Chapter 4: The Journey “That. Was. Amazing.” Josh said. I couldn’t help but agree. What seemed like it had lasted forever in my head was the most amazing fifteen minutes of my entire life. I’d blown my dream guy and had experienced the most powerful orgasm of my life up to that point. There really no words that could adequately explain what I’d just experienced. I was out of breath and was just lying there basking in what had happened. I was so unbelievably happy. Could it be? I’d found a gay guy in my town. But not just any gay guy either. This was Josh, my dream guy and local adonis. And he was attracted to me at least in a sexual way. “Penny for your thoughts?” he chimed. “I…wow. Yeah.” I sputtered. Real smooth. “I mean, that was… Amazing.” I grinned. I couldn’t think of another word to describe it. Josh grinned back at me. Every time he flashed that smile it got sexier. I was in heaven. And then the reality of the situation hit me. Josh was laying on my bed in a t-shirt with his underwear around his ankles and his now-soft cock just resting atop his still tight balls. I was laying there completely dressed with my soft cock hanging out of my trunks and cum all over my shirt. I looked a hot mess. Josh was reading my mind apparently. “Looks like we need to get you cleaned up.” His eyes lit up. Guess he wanted to see me naked just as badly as I wanted to see him. An idea flashed into my mind. I looked at the clock. There was only about 10 minutes or so until ...
    ... dinner would be ready. “Well, I do still need to take a shower… Does my mom know you’re here?” “I don’t think so. I just walked in.” God bless places like this where people just leave their doors unlocked for horny boys to wander in and get blown by their equally horny neighbors. Small-town America really was heaven. “I wish we had time for a shower together but dinner will be ready soon. I wish I could take you with me…” I got off the bed and Josh followed me with his eyes. I pulled off my cum-soaked shirt and threw it into the corner. “Sexy” he said. I untied my drawstring. He could, of course, see my cock but he hadn’t seen the rest of me. I wanted him to see all of me. I wanted him to know what he could have if he wanted it. I pulled my dick through and let my trunks drop. I was as exposed to Josh as I’d ever been up to this point. I was almost completely exposed in front of him. I took a breath and hooked my thumbs inside my boxer briefs. It was now or never. I pulled them away from my body and down so that they fell when I let go. I was now standing there completely naked in front of Josh. I blushed as he slowly looked me up and down. I’d never thought of myself as attractive really. I was skinny and pale. Wet I probably weighed 115 pounds. I was mostly hairless but kept what I did have neatly groomed with a razor. He got up off the bed, his boxers now around one ankle, and walked to me. “You’re beautiful” He caressed my cock then swatted it lightly. “I wish I’d been able ...