1. Sean's Story: Chapter 5

    Date: 11/9/2017, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Boy, Boy / Boy, Cum Swallowing Gay Oral Sex Teen Teen Male / Teen Male, Young Author: Freudian Slip

    ... ready for ‘us’. I don’t know if I ever will be.” He said softly. I sat up to be level with him. It was hard to be mad at him. He was confused, lost, somewhere between gay and straight and didn’t have a compass to help him find the way. And, yet, it was painful to realize that what I felt for him might not be what he felt for me. What was I doing? I was putting myself out there even though I knew it might hurt. “So am I just someone that you’re experimenting with to figure things out?” “No! You’re more than that.” “You say that but how do I know that one day I won’t walk downstairs to go to school and find you too embarrassed to talk to me because what we’ve done? That you won’t avoid me?” He hung his head and I instantly felt like the world’s biggest dick. Why was I always the dick? I scooted closer to him on the bed and put my arm around him. I resolved to be better, stronger, what he needed me to be. “I’m sorry. If you need time you can have the time.” I said in my most reassuring voice. “Thanks.” He ...
    ... looked a little happier. “Just promise me one thing?” “What?” “Promise me that even if us this turns out not to be what you want that you won’t ignore me.” He gave me his even more sexy smile and I felt like melting even though I’d noticed him cringe when I said “us.” “Deal.” I loved when he smiled. I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him so that we were laying on our sides on the bed facing each other. We looked into each other’s eyes for a second and then I hugged him close. He hugged me back and kissed me. Outwardly I seemed like the happiest boy in the world. Laying on my bed, naked, with my knight in shining armor. But on the inside I just wasn’t sure. Was I ok with this? I wanted a boyfriend. I wanted someone I could spend my time with, talk to, hold hands with, and eventually have sex with. I wanted a real relationship and it wasn’t clear how long, if ever, it would be until Josh was ready to be in the position to give me what I wanted from him. But I could wait. I guess I could wait. For now. End chapter 5 