The Love of a Cousin part 2
Date: 11/4/2017,
Consensual Sex
Cum Swallowing
Male/Teen Female
Oral Sex
Author: ThePillar
... impossible to read. I pulled away from Liz long enough to adjust a chair in the living room to face the couch where Ray was sitting. I sat down, and Lizzy sat in my lap and curled up against me again as I wrapped my arms around her. “Look, man,” I began finally “I know what the world says about grown men and teenage girls, and I know that, in the majority of the states, love between cousins is illegal, but trust me when I say, I love her with all my heart, soul, and mind. I don’t want anyone else. She is my best friend and my whole life." I hesitated "And there’s more. You notice she threw up a few minutes ago. She’s pregnant. I only just found out yesterday. We’re not sure what we’re going to do yet, but we do know we’re keeping the baby, and that we’re happier than we’ve ever been or ever thought possible. And if we can, we’re going to go through this pregnancy together, and she won’t have to raise it alone.” “You mean you plan to stay out of jail…” Ray finally spoke again. I nodded. “Not because I don’t want to go, granted, I don’t, but mostly because I don’t want to be away from her, especially not now. She has a long and hard road ahead of her, and I want and need to be there for her, and for our child. I won’t let her go through this alone.” Ray stood abruptly and walked to the door then stopped. He turned around and observed us for a long time. Several minutes went by, and as time went on, his features softened more and more. He opened the door and walked through ...
... it. I gently patted Liz on the leg, she got the idea and stood up. I followed Ray to the hallway outside my front door and closed it. He turned on me again, this time, without rage. “You need to leave.” He said, matter of factly. “What?” “You need to leave. Get out of town. Run away. Do what you have to to protect yourself.” “I’m not leaving her.” I said firmly. “I know. Take her with you. I know some people a few states east. They can hook you up with a cheap place to stay, you can transfer there with your job, and it’s a big city, lots of people which means you won’t hardly be noticed. If you’re worried about her emotional state, she doesn’t even have to go to school, you could even school her yourself if you wanted to. Regardless, you have to leave, or you’ll spend the next several years in prison. We both know you will. I don’t care how much your aunt likes and trusts you, her husband doesn’t owe you any special favors.” “So I just pack up and take my cousin with me to another state? What happens when I don’t return her home on a Sunday night, and her parents come looking for her at my place the following Monday? They’ll know I ran off and assume I kidnapped her. Every law enforcer in the state will be looking for us, probably in the whole country. It’s nearly impossible to hide in today’s society, thanks to technology.” “Well you have to do something. You can’t stay here and take your chances with her family. If you decide to you want my help, let me know. I’ve got your ...