1. The Love of a Cousin part 2

    Date: 11/4/2017, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Hardcore Male/Teen Female Oral Sex Romance Teen Young Author: ThePillar

    ... began, calmly “Why don’t we step back inside and sit and talk about this?” He took a deep breath and sighed heavily. “Fine.” We stepped inside and he plopped himself out across the couch. I remained standing. He stared at the wall as I watched him closely. Like me, he was mulling it all over, trying to decide what to say, and what good saying anything at all would do. I could tell he was still furious. He finally looked at me. “How long?” He asked. “Since her birthday in August. Her parents agreed to let her stay the weekend with my siblings and I here, to celebrate her birthday. My siblings had to bail at the last minute to get back to school. She’s been coming over for one weekend a month ever since, excluding the two or three months during the holidays. Her parents agreed because it gives her a chance to get out of the house and escape her older sibling responsibilities and stress.” He stared at me for a long time before asking his next question. “Why? How did this start and why did either of you let it happen?” That was harder to answer. I hesitated for a minute. “I guess… Her and I have always been close. We’ve always been little buddies. She’s always been my shadow and we were always inseparable when we were together. We were always cuddle buddies, even as she got older. During movies she’d climb into my lap and I’d wrap my arms around her. As she grew older and started to develop, I noticed she started acting strange, almost sexually interested. She’d press against ...
    ... me when we’d cuddle, she’d adjust in my lap, causing my arms that were wrapped around her to end up groping her chest, or she’d just flat out take my hands and place them there deliberately. One night, over at my old man’s place, we sat on the roof together and cuddled. She placed my hands on her boobs and I fondled them. One thing lead to another and we made out and I hand my hand between her legs. That’s as far as it went that night. Several months later, she spent the weekend here for her birthday. That Saturday night when we were alone, she came to my bedroom asking if she could cuddle with me for the night. Again, things quickly got out of hand. By the time morning came, we were naked and she was no longer a virgin. I swear to you, dude, I hadn’t planned on any of this. I even tried to avoid it. But the more I realized she was making an effort, the more I realized she had feelings for me beyond physical sexuality, and when I noticed that, I thought of her in a different light. She was no longer my little cousin, she was a woman, my best friend, and the one I loved and cared about. I’ve never loved anyone more than I love her.” He thought long and hard on that. Suddenly, soft footsteps came from the hall, and Lizzy came out shyly, wrapped and covered in a comforter from my bed. She eyed Ray suspiciously as she walked to me and wrapped herself up in my arms, her head pressed against my chest. I kissed her head. Ray stared at us, but his eyes and facial features were now ...