The Love of a Cousin part 2
Date: 11/4/2017,
Consensual Sex
Cum Swallowing
Male/Teen Female
Oral Sex
Author: ThePillar
Word from the author: As noted in the Part 1, the previous publication of this text was removed for rule that now seems to be lifted. I have edited and made some minor changes and am now re-submitting my work of fiction. This is the second of three part. I have yet to write part three but hope to get around to it soon. Again, thanks for the encouragement, patience and support. Enjoy. Note: This story is a work of fiction. All characters and events are strictly imaginative. Any occurrences in this story that may be similar to that of a reader's real experience, rather it be particular events or names of individuals involved is completely coincidental. I helped my cousin haul all her luggage and plastic bags of clothes and everything else inside her house. We were greeted by a warm "Hey!" from her mother and excited squeals by her siblings. We made the rounds of hugs and casual pleasantries as Lizzy ran her stuff to her room on the second floor and came back down. "So!" her mom began after Lizzy had taken care of her luggage and we had all sat down "Tell me all about it! Did you have fun?" "Uh huh!" was all Lizzy said as she nodded enthusiastically. "Well tell me about! What all did you guys do?" We first provided a brief summery and a short timeline of what we did over the weekend, then went back to the beginning and gave her detailed stories of all that went on, leaving out of course, certain details that went on in my apartment when we were alone. I did the majority of ...
... the talking, while Lizzy sat there and either stared at me with stars in her eyes, or stared at the floor as if she were somewhere else far away. I could tell she was happy, glowing even, yet still she seemed sad, melancholy. I wondered what was bothering her. I hoped it was just that she was sad the weekend was over and wasn't feeling ashamed of herself for what she did. As I continued to tell of our adventures, she'd pipe in every now and then and add a certain detail I'd left out or forgotten, or quickly told the same thing I just did, but from her perspective, like me diving off the diving board at the pool, for example. When I told about the zoo, she interrupted a lot to tell about the different animals and how cute they were and what noises they made, or how cute the baby animals were, etc. When I told her Mom about shopping, she insisted on seeing everything Lizzy had "bought". She gladly pulled each item out of the plastic bags and showed them off, which warranted her a "How cool!" from her mom with almost every item. At long last, we had exhausted all of the weekends stories. When her mom asked about what we did at the apartment in our free time for fun, well... Lizzy and I kinda looked at each other nervously. Then, out of the blue, I started chuckling. At first, Lizzy was confused, but then she started giggling along with me. Her mom looked confused. "Sorry," I said "We just had an interesting weekend. We watched a lot of movies and she ate a lot of my popcorn!" I ...