The Love of a Cousin part 2
Date: 11/4/2017,
Consensual Sex
Cum Swallowing
Male/Teen Female
Oral Sex
Author: ThePillar
... But on the other hand, I was crushed. As soon as I stepped out the door of her house I missed her more than I could possibly bare. The drive home was an agonizing, quiet, lonely event, and walking into my apartment only made it worse. It was still quiet; I was still alone, except now I was in a bigger, emptier space than I was in my car. Fuck I missed and needed her. Being away from somebody had never been this damn painful. I went to my bed and flopped on it face down, and I don't know when, but I fell asleep. I woke up a couple of hours later, still lonely and depressed. I checked my phone to see what time it was and saw I had a text from my aunt. She had talked to her husband about Lizzy spending one weekend a month with me and he was all for it. They saw no harm in the oldest of their children getting away once a month and having fun with her cousin. That lifted my spirits a little, but not as much as when I saw I also had a text from Lizzy. I replied immediately and we chatted all night long. The following weeks were a blur. I went to work, came home, texted Lizzy all evening (who still managed to get all her homework done in a timely fashion and keep positive grades), slept, woke up and repeated. Lizzy and I were counting down the days until next time she would come over. Her parents and I decided she could come over the second weekend of every month, and for Lizzy and I, that could not come sooner. Finally, the second weekend of September came. I had arranged to pick ...
... the little cutie up on Friday as soon as I got off work. I couldn’t wait. All day I was counting the minutes, each seemed to be a whole day itself. As soon as five o’clock rolled around I was outta there. I made it to my aunt’s house right around 5:30. Lizzy had her stuff packed and ready, and was waiting inside the front door as I approached it. Before I could open it and walk in, it swung open faster than I knew any door could, and in the blink of an eye, Lizzy’s arms were flung around my neck, squeezing all life out of me. She moaned in my ear as I smiled and wrapped my arms around her back and hugged her tightly. I missed this so fucking much. “Hi, kiddo!” I said, smiling. Her response was to hug me tighter. I finally ended the embrace and let myself in. “Hey!” my aunt greeted me with a hug. “How are you?” I asked as I hugged her in return. “Good! You?” “Great!” “Good. Okay so, she has everything she needs for the weekend. Two changes of clothes plus one, just in case. Toiletries, a book, and some homework which will have to get done before Monday.” She said that last part a little bit stern and pointed a finger and a warning glare at her daughter. Lizzy nodded. “I’ll make sure she does. I can even help!” I said. “Well don’t feel like you have to help too much. If you get tired of it she can always call me and I can help over the phone.” “Nah. It won’t be an issue. It’ll be fun!” “Well, don’t be afraid to call us, or have her call us. Okay, well, have fun. Be sure to have ...