1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 8/17/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... was a bar several yards from the marina. Everyone ran for the bar as fast as they could as shots rang out, missing nearly everyone, save for a graze on Carly's shoulder. As the crew rushed inside the building, Freddie looked out, and was happy that everyone seemed accounted for, even if Carly and Nate were both bleeding, the latter still too adrenaline fuelled to realize his palm had been mutilated. Freddie locked the doors tight while Sam rushed to check for any other ways in or out, so they could be sealed. For a moment, the long-time Seattle frenemies had to admit that the other was pretty handy in a crisis. Once the main door had been locked, as if by magic, the firing stopped completely. &#034We're locked in, right?&#034 Spencer said nervously after nearly 10 minutes of silence, as Savanna was softly crying in his arms. &#034Yeah,&#034 Sam said, patting him on the shoulder as she made her way behind the bar to serve herself, earning the rolled eyes of those around. &#034So we just need to wait on the state police,&#034 Spencer said with a hopeful head nod, looking around the room, but stopping when he saw Andre doing the opposite, with a very gloomy look on his face. &#034I don't think so,&#034 the LA musician said with a heavy sigh. &#034Looks like the killer got to them first. Two officers were shot and… there was someone else.&#034 &#034Someone we know? Was it my dad?&#034 Freddie said, moving towards Andre, feeling fearful. &#034No…&#034 he looked to Nate, to see ...
    ... if they should keep the information to themselves like they agreed, but he was too busy dousing his hand in alcohol. &#034Tori… it was… it was your dad. He apparently came with the state guys and-&#034 If Andre said anything else, Tori Vega certainly didn't hear it, as everything just went to silence. Her world crumbled so hard and fast, she just felt her body give up. Falling to her knees on the wooden floors had to have hurt her, but she felt nothing but a hard phantom kick right in her stomach. She had only just accepted that Trina was gone, and now with her dad's death out of nowhere, she felt, heard, and saw absolutely nothing. &#034- all three of them were dead… just floating in the water. But we found something too, Freddie. Not sure if you're gonna like it.&#034 The Seattle raised male had figured that he wasn't going to get any answers about his father and had started pacing as Andre spoke, but now he once again had Freddie's full attention. &#034Just tell me.&#034 &#034Nate and I found your dad's shirt by the dock. Had the star on it and everything. I know you don't really want to believe it, but-&#034 &#034No,&#034 Freddie said firmly. &#034There's no way that he, in his condition, a hole in his fucking leg, could take down three cops. I don't care if he had a gun. He could barely limp. I think he's being set up.&#034 &#034Or there's two killers.&#034 Sam said, in a way destroying Freddie's argument for his father's innocence, as she poured and downed a shot in a ...