1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 8/17/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... clippings were connected with tape and string with bright red ink making notes. &#034I'm… really sorry, baby,&#034 Jade said gripping his arm and placing her face against the bicep. &#034I know you-&#034 &#034He didn't do this…&#034 &#034Benson, I know all about denial,&#034 Sam started showing that rare compassion she was secretly capable of showing. &#034But this stuff is all over his house. Stuff about the Slasher and planned traps. I don't see how-&#034 &#034The newspaper wall is his,&#034 Freddie said coldly, pointing to all the strings and red writing. &#034But these notes here on the traps? Not his. Wrong handwriting. My father is left handed.&#034 &#034There could be two killers…&#034 Jade said, wincing, as if this idea made things 100 times worse. &#034Might explain a lot.&#034 &#034So much for finding answers,&#034 Freddie said with a heavy sigh. &#034Is it wrong I still kinda hold out hope?&#034 &#034No, baby…&#034 Jade said giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. &#034But we need to focus on getting out of here first and foremost.&#034 &#034About that…&#034 Sam said, peering from the window. &#034I can see the marina. The dream team clearly can't figure how to steal a boat properly. I should get down there.&#034 &#034Ugh…&#034 Freddie groaned, worried about leaving the house without answers, but Jade was right. And Sam too, he supposed. &#034I guess we don't have a choice but to go help them then.&#034 * * * Just as Freddie, Jade, and Sam were making their way to ...
    ... the marina to meet Nate and Andre, the others also joined them in a hurry. Spencer was leading the charge, holding tight to Savanna, while Carly, Tori, Cat, and Noelle followed closely behind. Freddie checked his watch and saw that it had only been about 45 minutes, and wondered for only a moment why they would head down so much earlier. He didn't have long to ponder, however, as his thought process was shattered by Nate's booming voice calling out to them. &#034Hey!&#034 the large young man shouted. &#034I think I found one!&#034 If the inn group was moving fast before, they certainly were now, heading to the center of the area near a long dock with a lone large boat at the end. As the group headed towards the boat with Nate motioning towards them, something happened in Freddie's mind and everything went into slow motion. What happened next took place in about 60 seconds, but for the former web show tech producer, it felt like so much longer. He suddenly had a chill that this didn't seem right, and that this felt like a trap, but just as he cried out that it was a set up for an ambush, a shot rang out. There was a mist of red that blew from Nate's hand, sending the Texan into a sudden shock, but recovered to dodge the second shot that was fired. Those racing for the boat suddenly paused, unable to process things for a half second before turning around. Someone yelled that the inn was far too open for them to rush back to, and another voice suggested the nearest building, which ...