1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 8/17/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    iCarly/Victorious: Schneider’s Island #11 – Rip [Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless] &#034What kind of game are you talking about, Savanna?!&#034 Freddie practically shouted. &#034What did my dad say?!&#034 &#034Freddie!&#034 Spencer said in a hushed angry tone, scooping up his daughter once more. &#034You can't just yell at her like that.&#034 &#034Savanna just said that this was a game.&#034 The two men had no gained the attention of the whole group now. &#034A game my father is playing for me.&#034 &#034Then let's head upstairs and ask him,&#034 Spencer said, trying to keep calm, and wondering if his father was right about the grizzled sheriff all along. &#034I don't think that's a possibility,&#034 Noelle said, nervously interjecting. &#034What do you mean it isn't an option?!&#034 Freddie said, pushing past everyone and heading back into the inn. Just as he reached the stairs to look, Noelle informed him of what his eyes were now alerting him to. &#034He's gone. Cat and I ran by his room when you guys came out of the tunnel.&#034 &#034And you didn't-&#034 &#034Cool you fucking jets, Benson,&#034 Sam said, sliding into his path. &#034We haven't exactly had more than a second to recover just yet since we found the k*d.&#034 Spencer sat Savanna on the couch and kneeled in front of the girl. &#034I need you to tell me what happened, sweetie. What did the policeman say to you?&#034 &#034He said if I ...
    ... did what he wanted me too, I could see Mommy.&#034 The group exchanged some heavy looks of dread, wondering exactly what that meant, while Spencer could only see it for a promise of murder. The lanky father lunged at Freddie and pinned him against the nearest wall. &#034What the hell is wrong with your dad?!&#034 he screamed as Andre and Nate moved to separate the two of them. &#034Whoa…&#034 Andre said, pulling Spencer back a bit. &#034Can I just say that this is nuts?&#034 &#034He's right,&#034 Nate said, watching Freddie to see if he'd retaliate. &#034None of this makes any damn sense.&#034 &#034The sheriff seemed to check out,&#034 the musician continued. &#034We talked to him and everything, and with that leg, there's no way he could move that fast.&#034 &#034He ran out of here pretty damn fast after we won his 'game' didn't he?&#034 Spencer said, snapping a bit at the nice guy. &#034There's no real proof of that, though…&#034 Noelle said calmly. &#034We just know that he disappeared.&#034 &#034Like Mr Beck…&#034 All eyes suddenly turned towards the small ch*ld and the slow realization that perhaps that 'safe room' might not be so safe. &#034We should go down there and try and find him,&#034 Tori said, very nervously. &#034No,&#034 Freddie said, apparently believing he spoke for everyone. &#034No more splitting up. Savanna said that room was safe and maybe it is, but if it isn't, odds are it's already too late for us to help him.&#034 Tori wanted to fire back and stand up ...