1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 8/17/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... might be a connection?&#034 the young officer asked, trying to establish a lead over Vega. &#034Not likely… just a random thing. Maybe a copycat, but there's no way that this killer, after what they did, would just lie low for nearly 22 years just to reappear. That's why we're keeping this quiet. No press until we report back and hear about this evacuation that no one seemed to heed. Near as we can tell, no one's heard or seen anyone from the island in a day or so.&#034 The older man went silent, deeply contemplating things as he slowly brought the plane down onto the water, slowly moving toward the dock, where it looked like an officer was waiting for them. &#034Dispatch,&#034 the younger man said into the radio, trying to sound older and more professional than he actually was. &#034Made it safely to Schneider's Island, and making contact with the local department momentarily. Will be in touch once the suspect is in custody.&#034 While Vega gathered up the supplies in the back, both the state officers began to climb out of the biplane, the younger man tossing a rope to the local man, but the island's officer remained motionless. &#034What the hell, man? Can't catch?&#034 he called out, but he immediately felt a loss for words when he saw the face of the man on the dock. It was scarred, and a quick look showed that there was bl**d all over the collar of the uniform. &#034Stop!&#034 That was the only word he managed as the scarred man levelled a pistol and two lightning fast ...
    ... shots later, giving the younger cop a head shot, and the slower, older cop through the neck, both of the state officer 'cavalry' members were dropped into the water. Vega however, was still inside and drew his weapon and kept it pointed at the killer as he slowly climbed out of the plane. This was the killer, and for a moment Vega wasn't sure about defending Robbie as the killer had a very thin and nimble frame, but he needed to focus. &#034Drop the gun, or I drop you…&#034 he said, trying to stay calm despite losing both the men that were supposed to be leading him. The killer surprisingly did just that, tossing the gun into the water below and raising his hands up in surrender. Vega made the mistake of lowering his weapon as he approached the seemingly unarmed killer, readying his cuffs instead of focusing on the hands, and a concealed knife quickly appeared in the palm. For the LAPD officer, it was simultaneously slow motion, and too fast to react as he felt the sharp pain in his stomach as the knife entered with a swift f*rce, and he tried to speak, but found himself unable to say anything as the pain doubled in his stomach. His knees began to buckle and he tried to swing at the killer but the killer moved too quickly and jammed the knife into his throat. The fade to black happened fast for the father of two, or one, as far as he knew, watching the killer standing above him, just staring. &#034You're… not… Robbie?&#034 he choked out, reaching up weakly. The Slasher tilted ...