1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 8/17/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... his head to the side, staring as the life drifted from the out of place detective, and then grabbed the gun from his hand before rolling the dying man into the water. Once the killer was sure, the thin murderer headed towards the plane to start the next phase of the plan. * * * &#034So, you ever use one of these before?&#034 Sam said, examining the rifle in front of her, and barely looking at her conversation partner. &#034Yeah,&#034 Andre said, with a slow breath, &#034in like Call of Honor and Medal of Duty and all those types of games. Can't be much harder to aim and shoot.&#034 &#034Ha…&#034 the blonde said, with a slight smirk. &#034Better than nothing I guess.&#034 &#034My dad didn't do this.&#034 All eyes turned to the speaker, and saw Freddie looking pensive at the window. He seemed to be looking for something, pretty intently, out on the back lawn, but no one could really decipher what. &#034I don't think Savanna would just lie, Freddie,&#034 Spencer said, trying to remain calm, holding onto his rescued ch*ld closely as she softly napped on his arm. &#034I'm not saying she would, Spencer…&#034 Freddie turned to face the room. &#034But this doesn't make any sense for him to do that. Why would he lose his mind trying to schedule boats to get us off this island, and then use Savanna to keep us here?&#034 &#034I kinda gave up on 'why's' a day or two ago,&#034 Nate said, plopping down next to Sam on the couch. &#034It's been like three hours and no police. What we need ...
    ... to do is go steal a boat.&#034 &#034It's not a bad plan…&#034 Sam said, coming to the side of her former beau. &#034Not like anyone with a boat left here is going to be needing it more than we are.&#034 &#034You can if you want to,&#034 Freddie said, clenching his fist as Jade moved to his side. &#034But I can't just live with anymore questions with my father. I have to find him and find my answers.&#034 &#034Freddie, you-&#034 &#034Spencer,&#034 the former web show techie said calmly, cutting Jade off and looking to his former neighbour, as Jade squeezed his arm, &#034I think you guys need to do what you have to, and I'm going to trust you, all of you really, with making sure Jade gets on a boat… even if I'm not back in time.&#034 &#034No!&#034 the former Goth screamed pushing Freddie back. &#034You can't just keep fucking off somewhere while I just sit here… if you're going, I'm going too.&#034 Freddie's face began to flush, &#034I'm not going to let you-&#034 &#034I'm with Benson,&#034 Sam said, nearly jumping from the couch, earning surprised glances from the room. &#034Someone has to look out for him… and her if she's going to tag along.&#034 Jade sneered and started to say something but luckily, she was cut off pretty quick by another plan. &#034Andre and I seemed to do pretty decent on the generator…&#034 Nate said, looking to his unlikely friend. &#034We could probably snag the boat.&#034 &#034Then I guess that settles-&#034 &#034Whoa!&#034 Tori exclaimed, once again, ...