1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 8/17/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... the window, waiting for any sign of her former roommate, and current girlfriend. Jade and Nate were sitting at the bar sharing small talk, trying not to think about their friends and loved ones being out there, but his eyes were focused on Tori the entire time. The aspiring pop star sat alone at a table, staring off into the distance, and feeling relieved and ashamed at the same time for her outburst. &#034Miss Tori?&#034 Tori looked down and saw Savanna tugging at her shirt, and looking sad. &#034Hey Savanna… are you ok?&#034 she asked, trying to be polite. &#034I need to tell you something, and I think Miss Jade would be mad if I told her.&#034 &#034Well,&#034 Tori said, wondering if this was some sort of karma for what had come to pass, &#034I think you should tell me, or your daddy when he comes back.&#034 &#034I need to tell you now,&#034 the young ch*ld said, looking at Tori with sad and ashamed eyes. &#034I lied.&#034 &#034About what, sweetie?&#034 Tori said, stroking the girl's brown hair. &#034It wasn't Freddie's dad that took me. It was my friend, the man with the scary face.&#034 Savanna just looked at Tori like a sad puppy. &#034I didn't want to lie, but he said that if I didn't lie, he said that daddy would disappear just like mommy, but once Freddie was gone, I could finally be with Mommy again.&#034 &#034Savanna…&#034 Tori said, feeling speechless. &#034I don't think that man is a nice man after all…&#034 * * * &#034The Slasher is more than just alive, ...
    ... son… you have to understand that!&#034 Singer yelled, praying Freddie wouldn't step any closer. &#034Yeah… because you're the Slasher!&#034 he shouted back, pointing the gun at him. &#034You were so hell-bent on getting my attention. Well, here I am. Say what you need to say!&#034 &#034I can't say anymore. You need to go now. This is a trap!&#034 &#034I knew it! This was all about luring me away…&#034 &#034Not for you… this is a trap for everyone else!&#034 Singer cried out, easing more towards his son despite the pain. &#034For all your friends! For me!&#034 The sound of a revving engine told Freddie that this wasn't what he thought it was at all, but as the headlights lit up the room a bit more, he could see the ropes. There were four of them, each connected to a limb, which explained why he was so stiff, with all four going out the window behind him. And then Freddie saw what his dad kept staring at during the shouting match: a walkie talkie, with the talk button taped down. Whoever this was, had been listening to the whole thing. Freddie lunged for his dad, but Singer stepped back and shook his head. &#034It's too late for me, son…&#034 &#034But… but I just met you…&#034 Freddie felt his body tearing up inside, going from hate and anger into utter sadness and despair at what was going to inevitably happen. &#034I need to know more.&#034 &#034I have told you everything I can. I wish I could say more. He,&#034 the grizzled man shot a death stare at the listening device, ...