1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 8/17/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... she couldn't say that. Not here and not now. Freddie checked his watch, and saw it was almost time, and kissed Jade's silent mouth before heading out the door, not wanting to make too much of a scene. He was so nonchalant that he didn't notice that he was being followed nearly 50 yards back by three people. * * * The former iCarly cameraman took several deep breaths as he climbed the stairs of the inn, fearing what might be waiting for him when he reached that door, holding his rifle tight. Would it be Singer? Would it be the killer, ready to pounce and kill him? Would it be both? His dad's truck was still running back behind the inn, and there was no question that whoever left that message was here now. With a mighty thrust, her opened up the door to his hotel room and his heart sank at the silhouette against the moonlit window, as the sheriff faced him, standing stiff. &#034So it is you…&#034 &#034Is… Jade safe?&#034 the sheriff asked, standing as still as he could be, staring exasperated at his estranged son. &#034Yeah… she's safe at the bar, no thanks to you.&#034 &#034That's good…&#034 Singer said, with a heavy sigh. &#034At least the Slasher held up that end of the bargain.&#034 &#034Yeah, well I got your other gift too, 'Dad',&#034 Freddie said, with enough venom in his last word to kill a snake, stepping forward. &#034I know the 'Slasher' died twenty something years ago, and so do you… drop the act.&#034 &#034No!&#034 Singer shouted, staying stiff. &#034Don't come ...
    ... any closer. And the Slasher isn't dead either.&#034 Freddie stepped forward just to spite him, and Singer winced, his eyes glancing over to the bedside table. &#034That man,&#034 the sheriff said, his voice straining as if something very wrong was about to happen, still eyeing the bed. &#034That monster never died. Just waited. I took credit for killing the Slasher even though no body was found. Col Shay helped, but I shielded him from the investigation, since he had his hands full with Spencer, raising that k*d as a single parent. But really… I lied to get this job and earn some fame points.&#034 &#034What?&#034 Freddie said, stepping forward again. &#034Stop!&#034 Singer shouted at him again, forcing Freddie to look at the floor for triggers. &#034You shouldn't have to pay for my sins, Freddie… I'm… I'm so sorry.&#034 Singer started to cry, his body staying completely rigid, which was starting to make his son nervous. &#034You need to get out of here… I thought this was about me...&#034 &#034You can't tell me what to do, Singer,&#034 Freddie said, getting angrier by the second. &#034You abandoned me, and then proceed to tell me this story about your innocence, so… what? I might help you with this sick shit?&#034 He took another step forward and Singer winced again, flinching at some expected pain. &#034No!&#034 Singer said, starting to tear up at his son screaming at him. &#034You have to go now!&#034 * * * Back at the bar, things had calmed down a bit. Cat had camped out by ...