1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 8/17/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... &#034So, we're still good with the 'molotov the front of the bar' plan, I guess?&#034 Freddie said, approaching the other guys and Sam. &#034I'm not,&#034 the blonde said as she started ripping tablecloths apart. &#034But no one cares what I think.&#034 &#034You're lucky that you drinking so much freed up a few bottles for us to utilize, Miss Puckett,&#034 Nate said offering her a glance as he reached for the torn cloth. He quickly doused them with dish soap before pushing them into the 2/3rds full bottles that Freddie and Spencer were levelling out so that 8 liquor bottles had become 12 'grenades.' &#034So,&#034 Andre said, throwing Nate a confused look of his own, &#034are you making bubbles or bombs here?&#034 &#034Because science,&#034 Sam said, throwing a tough look Andre's way. &#034She's right,&#034 Nate said, pushing yet another soapy cloth into a bottle neck. &#034Everyone knows alcohol's flammable, but it also burns up really fast. The soap gives it something to stick to so the fires stay a bit longer.&#034 &#034Should I even ask where you learned that?&#034 Spencer asked the large young man, as Nate looked over at Sam who simply shrugged, both of them knowing the answer. &#034Not remotely surprised…&#034 * * * On the other side of the bar, sat two young women, one of which, a redhead, was sobbing incoherently into the arms of her girlfriend. They had been like this, for the last hour, and while Noelle shared her feelings, she also knew that if there was a ...
    ... chance either of them would get off the is-land, she needed to leave. &#034I'm sorry…&#034 Cat blubbered, squeezing Noelle tightly. &#034None of this is your fault, Kitty Cat,&#034 the raven haired girl cooed, stroking her red hair. &#034Yes it is… I made you come here.&#034 There was a long sniffle while the sweet girl collected herself. &#034To this horrible place. You didn't want to come, but… I made you.&#034 &#034Cat… there's no way you could have known.&#034 Noelle lifted Cat's head up and gently kissed her pink lips tenderly with a smile. &#034And yes, this wedding certainly ranks near the bottom, it's not much worse than my mother's third marriage, to a street mime. The whole-&#034 &#034Stop,&#034 Cat squeaked, looking incredibly serious. &#034Don't do that.&#034 &#034What?&#034 &#034Pretending to be brave,&#034 the redhead said, nuzzling her face into Noelle's chest. &#034I don't want you to go.&#034 &#034I don't want to go either. I want to spend the rest of my life just like this moment, holding the love of my life in my arms. But someone…&#034 Noelle looked at her long-time girlfriend and just held her tight, feeling deep shame for leading the escape mutiny against Beck. &#034But I have a responsibility.&#034 &#034You don't-&#034 &#034Cat, I need you to do me a favour, alright?&#034 Noelle said, sliding back for a moment and locking eyes with Cat. &#034Anything, Noey,&#034 she said, her bl**dshot eyes wide with wonder at what this might be. &#034I need you to hold ...