1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 8/17/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... &#034Why?&#034 Spencer said, holding Savanna close to his body. &#034Because there's a goddamn sniper out there,&#034 Jade said pointing out the window. &#034You two heading out there right now would be like open season for that guy.&#034 &#034She's right,&#034 Nate said, with a pained sigh. &#034We need to at least wait for nightfall. But I actually have an idea for how we could get this asshole's attention and get your ladies safely on your way.&#034 * * * &#034Can I state for the record how much I hate this plan?&#034 The others standing at the bar just stared at Sam, rolling their eyes, and wondering if her doubts and fears were justified. The plan seemed simple when Nate explained it- while others created distraction, Sam and Noelle would sneak out the other way, avoiding the killer's gunfire, and then move silently to the fabled sailboat. So simple in theory… not so much in practice. Hours had passed since they had sought shelter in the bar, and now it was finally nightfall. Everything was falling into place for the plan Nate had laid out, but for everyone just sitting around, it just felt like yet another day being kept in a trap. Freddie was going over the last three days over and over in his head, trying to make sense of who his father was and if he was capable of the evil that they had all witnessed in that time. None of it made any sense to him whatsoever. There was only one witness to his father's deeds, and the tech producer had no desire to pump her for ...
    ... information if he could help it. &#034Savanna…&#034 he said quietly to the young girl who was playing with bottle caps. &#034I need to ask you a couple things. Is that ok?&#034 &#034Sure thing, Mister Freddie,&#034 she sweetly replied. &#034Did my dad seem… alright when you saw him?&#034 Freddie said, readjusting his sitting style so he could get close and not seem to imposing. &#034He was hurt pretty bad, and I just want to know if he was acting fine.&#034 &#034I don't know… He sounded ok though.&#034 Freddie almost had to do a double take. &#034What do you mean? Didn't he grab you?&#034 &#034I only really heard his voice. I never saw him, Mister Freddie,&#034 she said innocently. &#034But it's ok that you can't find your dad… I can't find my mom either.&#034 &#034Well, I appreciate that, Savanna, but-&#034 &#034Get away from her!&#034 Spencer said rushing to snatch his daughter up into his arms. &#034Stop harassing her. She needs to rest.&#034 &#034Spencer, I-&#034 &#034No, Freddie…&#034 the normally goofy man no longer seemed to be in a joking mood. &#034I'm sure you mean well, but this is all about your dad and I really don't want Savanna being brought into this.&#034 &#034The k*d got grabbed and is the only person who has had contact with the killer,&#034 Jade said, joining her fiancé's side. &#034She has answers that we all need.&#034 Before Spencer could say anything else, Andre called out to the group. &#034Hey, guys, come over here and help us with these bottles.&#034 ...