1. The Shoplifter Chapter Two

    Date: 8/7/2017, Categories: True Story Interracial, Pregnant, Author: Barbiebnympho

    ... Something was really wrong and I knew what it was. Terror was beyond my control most of the time now. Finally, one evening I spent a full hour at my desk going back over everything; my school calendar, the one on my desk at home, a new health book I had found at the library and all my laptop. I was looking for anything that might give me comfort. Anything that might tell me things were ok and would turn out normal. When I finished, my summary reaction can be described in a few words. I was as terrorized as any girl could possibly be. This was no nightmare, no bad dream, it was reality. It had been almost two months since Mallmart and I was late, really late and my body was beginning to change just as the health book and several sites on the laptop said it would. I was pregnant by a big, black guy who was nothing more to me than a very scary stranger. Why had I been going back over all the dates and what happened that day? It didn’t matter when my last period had occurred; it did not matter if he had sexed me once or twice. I was pregnant. In that moment, sitting at the desk in my bedroom, everything changed from self loathing, to fear, to absolute terror. All along, right up to that moment, in the back of my mind, I had been holding such hope, but in that one moment it all went to panic. I was pregnant by that very big, very black, nameless security supervisor at Mallmart. I was not just a shoplifting slut; I was a pregnant shoplifting slut. I was the lowest form of life. ...
    ... From that point on, every moment was consumed with endless agony. There were not even moments of escape. Days passed as I struggled. I struggled to sleep. I struggled to get up. I struggled to get dressed. I struggled to get along with the normal tasks during the day. I struggled to stay “normal” with my family; and I struggled to deal with the endless hours of sheer terror. My fear was constant. What could I do? Where could I go? I had no one to talk to. Just think about it. Who among my family or friends could I discuss my fears with…I got caught shoplifting at Mallmart...I had sex with an older black security guy so he would not call the police...I am pregnant and I don’t even know his name. I lived in the whitest community, attended the whitest school, had the whitest friends, and the very whitest parents; I was doomed. Days passed as I tried endlessly to think of any alternative, any solution, anywhere to go. There were none. Each day would begin, and end, with terror. I would move from one horrible thought to another. Every nasty titter we amigos had exchanged regarding the overweight white women with black babies came thundering through my tortured mind. Now, I was one. All the degrading titters we amigos had about the black guys. Now, I was pregnant by one and he was enormous. In my mind he grew bigger every day. It was an endless stream of the most horrible thoughts. I struggled through one day after another as three more, long frightening weeks passed. I lived with ...