1. The Shoplifter Chapter Two

    Date: 8/7/2017, Categories: True Story Interracial, Pregnant, Author: Barbiebnympho

    SENIOR EVENTS For the first time ever, school became a terrible place for me. It was impossible to concentrate on anything. Fortunately it was just two weeks to graduation and all important class work and tests were done. I made it to school each day and sat like a zombie waiting through one class period after another; with only one thing crashing into my brain about every ten minutes...the events at Mallmart. I got through everything required of me like a robot...senior pictures (Mine looked terrible. I looked so tired.)...final senior event planning...graduation practice....cap and gown. My nightmare went with me like a bad black shadow. The only good thing in my life was that physically I had returned to normal. Everything was different for me. I was so depressed. Nothing would ever be the same again. One event stands out so vividly in my memory and demonstrates how my world had changed. About a week after the Mallmart event, right after school, the three amigos cornered me and wanted to go “on safari” to the mall. This was our custom. We had done this most every week all school term. It had always been just a fun, silly event for four very bored girls, but this time the possibility of going there hit me like a brick. I could hear my pulse; my tummy did a flip-flop, and an undeniable nausea passed up though my body. No way. I had my head back somewhat back under control, but I was not ready for anything at the mall. I was no longer the cute school girl, I was a slut, I ...
    ... had nothing to show off and beyond that, I knew I could not tolerate the whole idea of tease the boys. I was a haunted house filled with a wild array of sexual emotions and regrets. They insisted. I said no. They went on and on. Today, I had the only transportation. They begged and promised to buy me a soda. I gave in. I decided I could do it. Step by step I had to get the Mallmart thing behind me. I had to take control. The mall and Mallmart were not together. I would suck it up and just go to the mall and nothing more. I finally agreed. I drove the four of us to the mall right after school. I was wearing the big pants and a top. I looked ok, but I sure was not a tease for boys. The car was filled with the usual titter but I was nervously silent. I parked as close as I could to the entry door. I was so paranoid about running into anyone who might have seen me at Mallmart. As I walked along I concluded that in fact teasing the boys was over for me forever. What a silly, juvenile game. I was a mature, well fucked lady. I now knew the reality of these black boys. That black security guard had showed me what it was all really about. I had no desire to tease with any more. Right before the entry, three tall black guys passed us. A shudder went through me. I had lost it all under a big black guy. What a strange uncontrolled spasm passed up through my lower body. Right from the very beginning it was not a good trip. Just the smell of the mall made me sick. In comparison to what I ...