The Shoplifter Chapter Two
Date: 8/7/2017, Categories: True Story Interracial, Pregnant, Author: Barbiebnympho
... this time an unusual twinge went through my breasts as he held me. I remember it well. It scared me. I had never felt anything quite like it. It was not a pain; more like tightness that caused me to shudder. He noticed my reaction and hugged me again, even more firmly, and this hug confirmed the sensation. My breasts were definitely different, fuller; definitely more sensitive. It brought me out of the party mood for a moment. I had never felt anything like this and I had been hugged tightly by this uncle before. Was this an early sign of pregnancy? I was a felon shoplifter. I was a tramp. Panic! I struggled to get my head back to the event in a hurry. This was a grand party. I wanted nothing to spoil it. I wrote the strange feelings off as the very last reminder of the Mallmart damages. That security supervisor had been rough when he had me pinned to the desk. I simply concluded he had damaged them more than I originally thought. Or maybe this was the first indication of my period starting. I sure hoped that was it. This party was fun and I wanted to keep it that way. The graduation day festivities ended around ten in the evening and I excused myself to mom and dad and went directly to my bedroom. I was exhausted and my tummy was a little nauseous from all the party food. REAL FEAR After the hugging events with Uncle Fred at the graduation party I found it once again harder and harder to get the shoplifting thing out of my mind. Regardless of what I did and no matter how ...
... normal everything seemed with my body; night times were bad...an endless nightmare. As soon as the lights went out my mind jumped back to Mallmart, moved through the events in the supervisor’s office, and then move through the weeks until the hugs from Uncle Fred. Once again, I counted days endlessly. I struggled time after time to remember when I last had a period. I reviewed every inch of my body endlessly. I tried to find comfort in the fact that I felt good physically. I drove myself mad worrying about everything else. What could have caused the strange sensations in my breasts? For a few days I had almost convinced myself it was all behind me, but now, after the party, my worries returned, big time, and they grew more troublesome with each day. I tried to stay as busy as I could, doing anything that might take my mind off of the horrible possibility, but there was little I could find that was active and interesting to do that. About the second week following the graduation party I began to find more reasons for my terrors. Those hugs at the graduation party were the first time my breasts did not feel right, but now I could get that same strange sensation by just holding them firmly. My breasts seemed larger, fuller, and my nipples were tender. My bras did not seem to fit right. My mental state just got worse and worse. I had too much real evidence with my breasts and the evidence kept growing with each passing day. This was more than just my guilty mind working overtime. ...