The Shoplifter Chapter Two
Date: 8/7/2017, Categories: True Story Interracial, Pregnant, Author: Barbiebnympho
... this. I have no one to help me unless you do. Can’t you see?” He stopped and stood a long time with his back toward me. Finally, he slowly turned. His expression had changed completely. My plea had really stuck home. For the first time I saw concern in his face. The anger had drained completely and been replaced by a much kinder expression. He spoke softly, “Yea, I understand. When we caught you, I thought you were just another of those wild ass girls that do that stuff for thrills, but now I know you’re not. I can see where you sure need help now, but what the fuck can I do?” He looked at me and collapsed in the chair at the desk. I could see sweat on his forehead. He just sat looking at me saying nothing. We had reached a complete impasse. I had not threatened him. I did not need to, and besides, I just knew a threat would not help with this guy. He was way too proud. He had not accused me of doing anything with someone else. He knew me too well by now. He knew I was a virgin when he took me, and how important the whole sex thing was to me. Finally, it just seemed like I had to say something. What really did I expect him do? Slowly I reviewed my plight. The summary was more for me than him, “Sir, I really need someone to help me. I am pregnant. I have to solve this somehow. Think about how horrible this is for me. I have no one else to turn to.” He sat expressionless looking through me to the wall. He would not even focus on me; not a word. Was he scared, was he angry? He ...
... probably wasn’t worried about me; more likely he was worried about himself. If my plight became known to his management, he would get fired for sure. If I had the baby he could be held legally liable for support. He had to recognize now that this pregnancy could affect his life as well as mine. He seemed to be in deep thought for a long time. Finally he reached across the desk, picked up the phone and made an extended call: then another, then a third. I could hear little of what he was saying, but by his expression I judged he was making progress with something. It was the first encouragement I had had in weeks. It had been at least twenty minutes when he finished his last call and sort of smiled. I could see relief on his face. He looked up still holding the idle phone, “Caroline, I think help is on the way.” “One of my guards always seems to have an answer. He knows a guy in the stock room who in turn knows a guy who can deal with things like this. I wanted to get all the middle men out of it so I asked for the outsider’s number and called him directly. It’s going to take a few minutes but he is coming over here to meet you and talk.” For a few minutes he went on with a few more sketchy details. He had pulled in some “markers” is how he described it. I was going to meet a guy named Bobby, who would be here in about thirty minutes. Bobby had connections with a Doctor who handled this kind of stuff. The Doctor could provide whatever I needed. The whole thing was safe but it ...