1. The Shoplifter Chapter Two

    Date: 8/7/2017, Categories: True Story Interracial, Pregnant, Author: Barbiebnympho

    ... would come in and out among the customers. Each time they passed they would give me this big grin. Nothing could be more embarrassing. A big shadow came over me. The big black supervisor was standing right in front of me. I was in such a daze I had not seen him walking up. I glanced up. He was even bigger and blacker than I remembered. I could not look at his face. He spoke with control, “Hello. My guard told me you want to see me?” “Yes, please.” I mumbled without looking up. “Come in here.” He turned unlocked the door and I followed him into the security office. He shut the door, bolted it and pointed to the chair where I had sat over two months ago. I elected to stand. He went over to stand at the desk. He was so formal. He had not even acknowledged he knew me. I could say nothing for a moment. I just stood there looking at the wall behind him. He finally felt uneasy enough to say something, “It’s Caroline, right?” I nodded. “I thought I would never see you again.” He said stiffly. I could tell he was very nervous. No smile. He just stood there as far away as the little office permitted. He said nothing more. We both seemed to just look past one another. Finally, I summoned all my courage and looked straight at him, “I’m pregnant!” I felt uncontrolled tears flow down my face. I swiped at them with the back of my hand. He took a step toward me. His face grimaced, “No shit; what makes you think that? Have you taken the test?” “I know so.” “Have, you been to the doctor?” ...
    ... “No, but I know. It has been over two months. I have not had my period. I have been nauseous and my breasts are bigger and very tender. I am pregnant.” His expression went absolutely blank. He turned and took a step toward the door reaching for the doorknob. Was he was just going to open it and tell me to get out? I could tell he was panicked. He froze for a long time before he turned back to me. He said nothing. He looked like a caged animal. He turned back toward the door again, reached for the handle again, and then hesitated and turned back slowly. Anger filled his face, “So you think you’re pregnant. Well if you are; all I can say is that’s what you get for being stupid. You were the dumbass that shoplifted, not me. I hate to say that you got what you had coming. That was a major felony and you got off. You were the dumb one that stole the shit, not me. You got off without even a rap on the knuckles?” He was just rattling wildly, talking so bluntly scaring me badly. I just stood and looked at him. I was shaking dreadfully. He turned toward the door and once again I sensed he was going to open it and tell me to get the hell out. “Lady that was felony shoplifting, remember? You were the little tramp that took the shit. You got off without a blemish on your record...no cops, no court, no lawyers, and no jail. I think you got off light.” I had actually started to cry. Through my sobs I said, “Sir, please stop scolding me. I know all that. I need help. I am completely alone in ...