1. The Night of Their Lives

    Date: 8/1/2017, Categories: True Story Blowjob Consensual Sex Erotica Male/Female Romance Written by women Author: hopelessromantic19

    ... complex, he was already outside waiting. She spotted him before he could see her. He was leaned against the trunk of his car, his broad shoulders relaxed with one hand in his pocket and the other hand gripped tightly onto a can of soda. She watched him crack a smile as her car eased up. Once she parked, Jason jogged up to her window with a wide grin. His handsome face was bright with excitement. "Cheyenne! I was worried you weren't gonna show. Here, let me take these groceries in for you." Cheyenne said nothing, her heart beating fast as she gathered her personal belongings before exiting the car. "You're gonna love my sister." He said. "She's my favorite sister." Jason leaded her upstairs. Cheyenne got an eyeful of his toned legs as she silently followed his lead. Once they made it upstairs, he opened the door and called out. "Brianna! Cheyenne is here." Cheyenne heard a loud, girly gasp coming from further back in the house, followed by fast-paced footsteps. She watched as Jason stood in the kitchen and put her gallon of milk in his fridge. That's when Brianna ran up to her in a blur, hugging her tightly before she could even react. "Oh, uhm, hey?" Cheyenne managed to spit out. Once she released her from her grip, Brianna stepped back and grabbed Cheyenne by the hands. "Oh, it's so nice to meet you!" She then looked back and forth between Jason and Cheyenne. "Jason was RIGHT!" She smiled. "You ARE beautiful." "I'm what?" Cheyenne thought. She furrowed her eyebrows and ...
    ... looked over at Jason. He returned her confused gaze, his face turning bright red just before he looked over to curse his sister with his eyes. There was a brief moment of silence before she squinted back at Jason and burst out laughing. "I'm KIDDING!" She laughed. "Look at you two! Your faces are so red!" Jason let out a heavy sigh as Cheyenne looked down nervously at her shoes. Brianna lifted Cheyenne’s chin with her index finger and smiled lovingly. "My brother was telling me about y-" She paused once her cell phone began to rang. "Awh, I gotta take this. Better yet, let me go." She answered the phone quickly. "Hello? Uh, yes sir I am in the car on my way back right now." She lowered the phone and ran over to kiss Jason on the cheek. "Love ya! Oh, and so very nice to meet you Cheyenne!" She left his apartment in haste, grabbing her blazer and suitcase on the way out. "Sir? Sorry I couldn't hear that. I'm driving through a tunnel." She waved one last time before shutting the door behind her. "Sorry, my sister is a bit of a nut," Jason shrugged nervously, trying to excuse her behavior. "but she's great once you get to know her." "She's lovely." Cheyenne assured him, forcing herself to smile. He smiled back, his grey-green orbs meeting her simple brown eyes. She felt unworthy to be there in every way. This is when she realized they were alone. Together. She felt her face flush, and sat down on the stool at his breakfast bar. "You okay?" He asked. "You want something to drink?" "No, ...