The Night of Their Lives
Date: 8/1/2017, Categories: True Story Blowjob Consensual Sex Erotica Male/Female Romance Written by women Author: hopelessromantic19
* * * * This is my first story, so i'd love some criticism and feedback. But please be nice. I tried not to be too specific when it came to physical descriptions. This way, anyone can insert whoever they want into the character roles. WARNING: This story is pretty lovey-dovey. I tried to move the story along as fast as I could but it still may be a good while before you get to any actual sex. Enjoy. * * * * "Crap!" Cheyenne exclaimed under her breath as her phone rang in her back pocket. She crossed from the front of the supermarket to the parking lot, grocery bags in one hand, her other hand fumbling through her purse trying to find the car keys. While unlocking the car door, she realized the vibrations of the incoming call had stopped. Cheyenne threw her groceries into the empty passenger seat before pulling out her phone and getting halfway into the car. She unlocked her phone screen to see who's call was missed. Her heart sank and fluttered at once. She inhaled a shallow breath while adjusting into the drivers’ seat, closing the car door. She stared at the screen again. “Jason. He called me.” She thought happily. Cheyenne then began to yell at herself. "Calm down." She assured herself. "We've been friends for years. We hung out last week for god's sake. We hang out all the time. He calls me ALL THE TIME." But every time he called, her reaction was the same: as if she could fly away, but also feeling like puking a little. "Stop that." She mumbled to herself. "I can’t ...
... continue to like him. Not like this." But she knew she couldn't stop. Just the thought of him gave her a heavenly feeling. A feeling of love and lust. But also of pain and regret. She’s loved him for years. Watched him date other women, even helped him through a few breakups, and she still loved him all the same. Each day she thought of him, the deeper the feelings became. As she closed her eyes and brought the phone to her chest, she imagined if she could be with him. Just once. She brought her knees together, trying to mask the gentle tingling sensation between her thighs. Her sensitive nipples stiffened against the fabric of her bra. She would kill just to spend one night with him. To let him know how she felt about him. To SHOW him the burning passion she had building up inside just for him. The loud blare of her ringtone snapped Cheyenne right out of her dream-like state. He was calling again. She found herself smoothing out her skirt, forgetting that he couldn't see her through the phone. She cleared her throat and waited three seconds before answering. "Hello?" She asked, her voice cracking despite her efforts. "Hey, Cheyenne!" Jason said. She could hear the smile on his face. "Don't yell at me, I know you have stuff to do today, but could you come over for a little while? My oldest sister was on a business trip and decided to stop by on her way back to her job." "Uh." She said. "Well I have these groceries in my car. I'm not too sure if they'll hold up for more than an ...