1. The Night of Their Lives

    Date: 8/1/2017, Categories: True Story Blowjob Consensual Sex Erotica Male/Female Romance Written by women Author: hopelessromantic19

    ... hour or two." "I'll bring them inside my house for you then." He begged. "Please? She really wants to meet you." "Oh. Um. okay." She stammered. "I'm on my way." "Awesome!" He chirped. "I'll see you in a bit. Bye." "Yeah same." She breathed, hanging up the phone. Cheyenne slammed her phone onto the dashboard, putting her face into her palms. She then sucked her teeth, disappointed in her lack of confidence throughout their conversation. She was now on her way to Jason’s. She blasted her music loud, trying to drown out the thoughts racing through her head. ************ Jason decided he’d wait outside for Cheyenne. He grabbed an ice cold soda and headed downstairs to the parking lot of his apartment complex. His sister stuck her head out the front door, catching his attention halfway down the stairs. “Where you going, Jason? I thought your girlfriend was coming.” “I’m waiting for her outside.” He said. “Shouldn't be long… and she’s not my girlfriend.” “Not yet, anyway.” She giggled, teasing her brother. “She really must be something special for you to wait outside for her in THIS heat.” “Stop it.” He warned her jokingly. “Is she beautiful?” She said, poking at him more. He felt his face getting hot, so he turned around and quickly marched down the stairs. His sister laughed. “You are SO into her!” She shouted before he could get out of earshot, and closed the door. Jason tried to pull himself together. He didn't want to look anxious or uneasy in front of Cheyenne. He popped ...
    ... open his can of soda and supported himself against the back of his pickup truck. After taking another swig of his Cola, he whipped out his phone and shot Cheyenne a quick text. ‘Waiting downstairs for you.’ He spelled out all his words because he knows Cheyenne hated reading shorthand texts. She was a bit of a grammar nazi, but he liked that about her. The more he thought about it, there wasn't a single thing he didn't like about her. He allowed himself to get engulfed in the memory of their most previous encounter: He had thrown a little get together for himself and a few close friends. After everyone had gone, Cheyenne was the only one who remained. She had passed out on his living room couch, which made him feel bad about inviting her. He knew she had worked all day, but he invited her and insisted she’d stop by. He could see her face now: peaceful and flawless as the glow from the television reflected off her beautiful face. He couldn't help but sneak a peek at the small bit of cleavage her shirt revealed as she lay there. He soon retrieved a blanket to throw over her. It was innocent, but he loved every moment. All he could think about is how much he wanted to hold her. To show her how much he cared about her. And that he would make her feel SO good. He got a little lightheaded thinking about it. A familiar stir began in his pants, but he quickly snapped out of it just in time to see Cheyenne’s car approaching. ************ When Cheyenne pulled up to Jason’s apartment ...