1. One Thousand Apologies - Part 1

    Date: 6/16/2017, Categories: True Story Blowjob Consensual Sex First Time Incest Masturbation Romance Teen Male/Teen Female Virginity Young Author: Joe Long

    ... “How can you eat all that stuff? Keep it up and you’ll look like a whale!” “You calling me a whale?” “No, I, uh…” “I have you know I run track to keep this figure, and I throw the discus and shot put as well.” She stood, sticking her hip towards me, running her hand along her thigh, from her belt to her knee. My eyes went wide as they surveyed down, and then back up her legs, finishing at her ass. “You looking at my ass?” I muttered something and started to panic, feeling like a deer in the head lights. Why did she seem to delight in torturing me? She gave this evil little smile and pinched my right cheek. “Oh, you’re so cute when you don’t know what to say. I have the smart guy speechless!” Her touch was electric, but I saw an opening and hissed “Now stop that!” while I poked a finger in her side. It was if I had shot her, she doubled over and tried to get away as she burst out laughing. I reached out again to work the fingers of both hands on her waist. “Oh, someone’s ticklish, I’ll have to remember that!” My hands on her body was getting me hard fast. Hannah broke free and extended her right arm poking a finger in my face. “Oh don’t you dare, I can kick your butt too!” Standing to lean over her, I shot back “Oh yeah? I’ve got about six inches on you.” “You have to catch me first.” “What is it, are you going to run or fight?” “I’ll do whatever I want!” This was so much fun. “Ahem. Hey guys” We both looked up to see Dave standing on the other side of the screen, a bat in his ...
    ... hand. “In case you two are still interested in baseball, I’m going in to pinch hit.” Still chuckling, we both settled back in our seats to face the field. I tugged near my pocket to avoid a tent in my pants. Did Hannah just glance over, eyes down? Paul’s voice bellowed over the stadium PA, “Now pinch hitting for Coca-Cola, number 37, Dave Carter”, as Hannah and I joined in the light applause. Hannah was then on her feet, face to the screen, yelling “c’mon Dave, rip this guy!” Up to that point, I had been paying very little attention to the game. It was the bottom of the 5th, Coke had runners on 1st and 2nd with two outs, but Sheraton was ahead 3-2. Dave settled into the left handed batter’s box, swung the bat a couple times over the plate, and awaited the first pitch. It was a curve from the right handed pitcher that looked outside, but the umpire called it strike. “Get a clue ump!” roared out from beside me. Wow, she could get into this, at least when her brother was playing. The next pitch was again a curve, but caught too much of the plate. Dave reached out and lined it over the first baseman’s head. The ball rolled down into the corner, and with two outs both runners scored easily. Dave stood at second base with Coke now ahead 4-3. Hannah had squeezed past me and was in the aisle, yelling “Woo, woo, way to go Dave” as she bounced up and down on the steps, hands held high. My eyes were focused on other things that were bouncing up and down. The next batter bounced back to ...