1. One Thousand Apologies - Part 1

    Date: 6/16/2017, Categories: True Story Blowjob Consensual Sex First Time Incest Masturbation Romance Teen Male/Teen Female Virginity Young Author: Joe Long

    ... likes to give me shit.” She narrowed her eyes and gave me a little stare, then returned to normal. “Can you get me some ice cream?” “Yeah, sure thing.” A few minutes later I was jogging down the concourse, trying to get the Klondike bar to her before it started melting inside the chocolate. As she peeled back the foil wrapper, Hannah continued with the interview. “OK Spock, what are you taking in college?” I liked that she was asking all the questions. I didn’t have to contrive any witty banter, just lean back and share my life story (as boring as that was.) “Math and computer science, and I’ve taken a few econ courses as well.” ”and what kind of grades do you get?” She had to ask that “Well, uh - OK! I have a 1.8 GPA” Her eyes went wide in shock. “1.8? That’s a D, right? I thought you were the brainiac? Mom’s always saying how smart Joe is, Joe this, Joe that - and you have a 1.8 GPA? ” That hurt. “Math is fucking hard!” “ LAN-GUAGE! ” Still stinging, I shot back “Now who’s being the baby sitter?” She took a more serious look. “Well, sorry about being snippy before with the baby sitter crack, but I just don’t like anyone telling me what to do. And I don’t like people swearing.” I felt the urge to be sarcastic. “Oh, I’m sorry, your Royal Highness!” “Now you’ve got it! Just remember that, and we’ll get along fine!” Actually, that cracked me up, and broke the tension as well laughed together. She continued, “Back to where we were – what’s so hard about math?” More life ...
    ... history, but this wasn’t the first time I had to explain my failure in college. “I did pretty good in high school, A’s & B’s, even took calculus in 12th grade. I was always playing with numbers, so I thought that was what I was good at. Then I get to college and math majors not only have to know the rules, like to get the mean of a set of numbers, you add them up and divided by how many…” “well any idiot knows that!” “…but they want math majors to be able to PROVE IT! There might be three questions on a test. Don’t do homework for a night, forget your book, forget your calculator, and you’re screwed. That’s just not how I work.” I was getting tired of talking about how I wasn’t good enough, I got enough of that from my dad. I needed to direct the questions to her. “So what did you get in math?” “A. and an A in History, and an A in English. In fact, I’ve had straight A’s since 3rd grade!” Shit, not what I expected. She started doing this little victory dance, shaking her hips and shoulders side to side, her hands alternated pointing to the sky, as she called out “Woot, woot, I’m smarter than the brain!” Her Klondike bar was now melting in the heat, and drops started to fly around as she waved her hands in dance. Realizing the mess and apparently no longer interested in eating, she said “Here, eat this!” shoving the half liquid ice cream wrapped in chocolate towards me. The guys around us were doubled over in laughter. Taking the Klondike from her as carefully as I could, I had to ask ...