1. One Thousand Apologies - Part 1

    Date: 6/16/2017, Categories: True Story Blowjob Consensual Sex First Time Incest Masturbation Romance Teen Male/Teen Female Virginity Young Author: Joe Long

    ... matter?” Do I really have to explain this? It’s hard enough living with it. “I get scared around girls, afraid to do the wrong thing and have them hate me. It’s been getting better, but it’s still something I have to work at.” “You’re doing fine talking to me.” This was true. Despite a few up and downs, I had been quite as ease with her. “You’re my cousin, I’m not trying to hit on you.” She leaned towards me and rubbed her left hand over my chest. “They don’t have to know that. What if I give you a big sloppy wet kiss, will that help your reputation?” I felt the warmth of her hand on breast, her palm rubbing over my nipple. Oh my God, is she just teasing me? My breath got a little short and I felt some stirring down below. “I’m sure it would.” Backing off, with a look of shock on her face, she said “So you’re sitting with me to boost your reputation?” “No, that’s not what I meant!” She punched me in the left arm and said “Take a chill pill, I was teasing – so what have you been doing to get more comfortable around girls?” I swore this girl was going to kill me. “Well, my mom got a CB radio for the car last year.” “And how does that help?” Luckily for me, not the first time I had explained this. “Normally someone sees a girl (or guy), and if there’s a physical attraction, you have to figure out how to go talk to them without scaring them off. On the radio, you talk first, find out who’s a nice person, then arrange a meet up to see what they look like. Then you can either ask ...
    ... them out or continue being friends.” She nodded and continued, “does it work?” “Definitely. It’s so much easier to just be myself, and learning to like girls for who they are, not just what they look like.” Striking a pose, she teased “That’s a good thing, we are much more than just our good looks! So what’s your handle?” “Spock” She looked clueless. “Who’s Spock?” “Really? Mr. Spock, the science officer of the Starship Enterprise?” A blank stare. I continued, “Star Trek, with Capt. Kirk.” “Oh, Star Track? That Saturday morning cartoon?” My face went down into the palms of my hands, shaking my head back and forth. I came back up to look her in the eyes. “NOOOO! It was a TV show, from ’66 to ’69, with Kirk, Spock, Dr. McCoy, Scotty, Sulu…” “I was like born in ’66, you expect me to remember that?” She had me there. I was 7 when the show started, while she was still in diapers. “Yeah, that would be a problem. They’re coming out with a movie in December! I can’t wait to see it.” “I’ve seen Star Wars!” “ NOT the same thing!” This girl will need some re-education. “OK, so why are you Spock?” “He’s the science officer, the smartest guy, no emotion…” A voice calls out from inside the press box “and he’s the one who never got laid!” I snapped back “that’s not true, there was that cave woman on the ice planet!” Hannah jumped back into the conversation, “And this is the show you drool over?” “You’d like it if you saw it.” “and who was that yelling at you?” “My so called friend Paul, he ...