One Thousand Apologies - Part 1
Date: 6/16/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
First Time
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: Joe Long
... the pitcher to end the inning, and one of his teammates took Dave’s first base glove out to him, waiting near the bag to play defense in this half inning. I took advantage of the break in our conversation to ask Hannah “c’mon into the press box, I want you to meet my friend Paul, we’ve been tight since like kindergarten.” As we walked through the door, Paul’s voice called out “Petey! Who’s your girlfriend?” “She’s my cousin.” Paul was relentless. “Sarcasm detector broken? I knew she wasn’t YOUR girlfriend.” I was obligated to continue the verbal duel. “Remind me why we’re friends? and look who’s talking, Paul.” “I’m still looking for a nice Jewish girl.” The both of still standing, Hannah gave me a poke. “Who’s Petey?” “Me. Joseph Peter Long, and Paul seems to think the “Peter Long” part of that is hilarious, and just likes to constantly call attention to it. He really can be a pain in the ass sometimes.” Hannah got a big grin and told me “It’s not like your name is Dick Head or Harry Dick or something! Now that would be bad.” That got everyone in the press box laughing. “Well, ANYWAY , Paul, this is my cousin Hannah, she’s Dave Carter’s sister, the guy who just got that hit for Coke. They’ve been out in Colorado for a few years and just moved here. She’s got another younger sister - around here somewhere. They like to come to the games, and I’ve been hanging out with them, catching up on lost time.” Paul turned to her to ask “So how old are you, Hannah?” “13, 14 pretty ...
... soon.” She replied confidently. “That sounds like you’re old enough to take care of yourself.” “That’s what I told him .” as she poked an elbow into my ribs. Paul had the Pirates on his transistor radio, setting on the counter and playing at a medium volume. I helped Hannah into a folding chair by the radio that looked out through the plexiglass onto the playing field, then took the one to her left, on her far side from Paul. A couple minutes later Paul took a phone call. From hearing Paul’s end of the conversation he wasn’t quite happy with what he heard and was brooding afterwards as he worked the scoreboard and announced the batters. On the radio, the Pirates were hosting Cincinnati after splitting a pair with the Braves the day before, hanging a game behind the Expos. The Reds had jumped out to a 4-0 1st inning lead, as 6 of the 7 batters starter Bruce Kison faced got hits. Bill Madlock’s homer in the 4th had cut it to 4-3. Now it was the top of the 7th, and upon hearing the call of Joe Morgan’s two run homer for the Reds, Paul banged the counter and yelled “son of a bitch!” After about ten seconds of silence, Hannah looked over at Paul and said ”Wow, you look like you need a blow job!” Paul was flabbergasted “Whoa!” His eyes went big, and he nearly fell out of his chair as he leaned back and yelled “Petey!” I was just as stunned. “ WHAT? ” “You’re the one who brought her!” Hannah just stared at Paul as the tears formed in her eyes. She turned and ran out the press box door, ...