1. One Thousand Apologies - Part 1

    Date: 6/16/2017, Categories: True Story Blowjob Consensual Sex First Time Incest Masturbation Romance Teen Male/Teen Female Virginity Young Author: Joe Long

    ... stopping on the stairs near where we had been sitting. I ran after her, but she pushed away any attempts of mine to touch her or talk to her. I was furious. “Paul, get the hell out here and apologize to her!” Paul came out to us with a genuine look of concern on his face. “Hey, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything. Joe will tell you, I like to joke around and rag on people, and you just totally caught me off guard with that.” Hannah sniffled and wiped her eye. She slowly looked up at me then turned her head to Paul. Hesitantly, she spoke, “oh. kay – I didn’t expect you to get angry.” “Honest, I wasn’t angry, just surprised.” I told her “The game’s almost over, let’s walk down by Dave’s dugout so we can get him and Donna and I’ll take you guys home.” On the highway back to their house, Dave did most of the talking, bragging about his game. I filled him in on the Pirates, even though he wasn’t a fan yet. Hannah was generally quiet, but let Dave know that she and I had a good long talk to get to know each other. “I have lots of things to tell you when we get home!” After pulling in their driveway I got out of the car with them. Hannah came over and gave me a hug. “Thanks for sticking up for me, I’m feeling better. I really did enjoy getting to talk to you tonight, especially now that I can tell mom that I’m smarter than you!” “A pleasure speaking to you too, your highness.” “I think ‘Princess’ will be sufficient, yes - I am the Princess.” She gave me a thumbs up ...
    ... as she headed into the house, while Dave rolled his eyes, silently mouthing “ Princess ” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hardly remember the drive home, only that I felt like I floated the whole way. Laying in bed with my eyes closed, I replayed the evening over and over in my mind. There were a couple stumbles, but they hadn’t mattered. This is what it was supposed to be like with a girl, what I had never really experienced. I had one girlfriend in 12th grade, who I met when her girl’s basketball team played at our school. I found the courage to find her number and phone her, and for weeks afterwards would rush home from school to call her and compare our days. As well as that went, she was 12 miles away (just down the road from where my cousins lived now) and I didn’t have a car. We had one official date, both of us dropped off by our parents at the mall so that we could see a movie. Several times in the theater when she turned to gaze in my eyes I just sat there and gazed back, caught up in the moment, oblivious as what to do next. A week later she called to tell me she decided to go to her prom with someone else instead. I was crushed. Sure, Hannah was my cousin, but we had carried on like a boy and girl were supposed to. Her age didn’t seem important. I hit my orgasm after about 120 strokes, cleaned my cock with a paper towel, and drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face. ...