The Highschool Life of Ry Ch.1
Date: 5/31/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: Its_Ry_Bruh
... thing…” “You old man” Kyle cut in, then zoned back into his game before my dad could even argue back. “Anyway, all I can say Ryan is what any father would say to his son, and that is… Im sure youll be fiiiine” He said smiling and chuckling, patting my shoulder before getting out of the truck. I hopped out, totally forgetting that my phone was on my lap and it clapped to the floor. “shi-et” I said, my dad shaking his head not looking back knowing what just happened as he walked off to the porch. Kyle copied my use of the cuss word “shi-i-i-iiitt” I turned it over and saw not a single scratch on the screen, I smiled at it. My smile turned into a smirk as I looked at my brother “Galaxxxy” I whispered in awe. “oh shutup, you’re just lucky” He said as he walked towards the porch. “Nah, its just not gl-ass like yours” I laughed at my own comment following him in and closing the door behind me. Phone in hand, I felt it buzz and I looked at it quickly, reading the text in a split second. 1-505-306-7***: You know who;) Fuck, it must be Aria… It must be, I looked at my screen for a good couple of seconds before responding.. Then decided not to at all. Instead I backed out of the message thread and clicked on the one I had with my “friend” Julia. We’re just friends. I read the last message sent from her before responding. (Last message sent 9:08am today) Julia!!: Goodmorniing!! howd u sleep ‘fter last night hmm?? I knew I slept well knowing you fufilled my needs for the night<3 txt me ...
... when u can. I want to see u again!! Thoughts of last night replaced the blood in my brain, all of the blood that the thoughts replaced must have went to my boner. Okay, we were more than friends, in a way, no relationship or anything. But to the public, friends and family, we were just friends. You: I slept fricken great, knowing my night was spent with you! Sorry I didn’t respond earlier, had a stupid school orientation thing and stuff:/ Julia!!: O its okay! Im jus happy you responded <3 u want me to pick u up? Julia!!: NVM ima juss cum getchu. Ill be over in 5!! I need u Holy shit yes, nothing makes me more stoked than getting to hang out with my bestfriend. Honestly, I don’t even care for the sex when it comes to our friendship. Sure it’s a total plus, especially because she’s fricken gorgeous. But, everything from her personality to just being around her is fricken amazing and makes me happy. Sure enough, 5 minutes, probably on the dot… She sent a text saying she was here. She was rich, well.. Her parents were. The fact that she was the same age as me and already driving a ‘13 ford mustang 5.0 obviously gave away her wealth. Again, I wasn’t her friend because of that. She rolled down the passenger tinted window as I walked up to her car. The window slowly showing her facial features one piece at a time. Starting with her almost bleach blonde hair, her well tanned face, to her.. well she had sunglasses on but she has some beautiful green eyes that contrast well with her tan ...