The Highschool Life of Ry Ch.1
Date: 5/31/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: Its_Ry_Bruh
... It was a 98’ 4runner. I loved it. My brother was leaning up against the passenger door while he checked his iphone. I shoved him, brotherly, to the backdoor while he yelled at me that he never gets to sit up front and all the other things little siblings whine about. “It’s because you chose an iphone over a galaxy” I said with a grin, pulling out my new S3 and waving it at him. Hoping this will make him forget about his argument over the front seat and turn over to how terrible the iphone is. It worked. “Nuh uh, shut up Ry. Youre just jealous because you didnt have enough for the iphone” he muttered as he climbed into the backseat as my dad unlocked the door. I got in and put on my belt before I argued back. “Kyle, since I have a job, I’m forced to pay for my phone, unlike you who has amazing parents who love you more” I said jokingly, getting my dad to laugh and disagree “Shut up Ry, you knew you chose the S3 over the iphone because I even offered to help out”. I smiled “See Kyle, I chose the S3 over iphone, I couldve gotten the iphone if I wanted”. On the drive home, which wasn’t very long because it was the first time Im at a school within district, My phone buzzed. Since all my notifications are the same sound for now because my phone is new, I didn’t know what it was for until I looked at the screen. I expected it to be a notification for clash of clans, skype or a new youtube comment or subscriber but it was a text. Again, being a new phone I didnt have the number ...
... saved but the text read 1-505-306-7*** “see you next week;)” I looked up from the screen and straight ahead. Okay, third awkward moment of the day. The only person I could think would send such a text is Aria, only problem is just because I know her from midschool, doesnt mean I have her fricken number… I texted back: You: “Im sorry, I got a new number. Would you be able to tell me who you are?” I hit send and put my phone on my lap, knowing I may need to look at it again. “So… What do you guys think, huh? You excited?” My dad said excitedly with a smile on his face, patting my leg like a father would when hes proud of his son. Which I won't lie, my dad is very prideful of my brother and I. “Yep” was all Kyle muttered as he was zoned out on his jetpackjoyride. Maybe not as proud of Kyle as he is of me... “honestly Dad, Im kinda in-between” “Why’s that Ry?” He questioned me, pulling up to our house and putting the car in park. “Well, maybe it’s just because I am transferring from a public school to such a small school, a school that has specific elective- cool electives that I am stoked about, It just sucked I couldnt start my freshmen year and make friends before hand. Now I have to start fresh and of all years it’s sophomore..” I concluded, starting to think of all the possibilities in play with what can happen throughout the year. “Well son, I can’t really say much only because I never went through your situation, I didn’t even have the choice to go to a charter school, no such ...