The Highschool Life of Ry Ch.1
Date: 5/31/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: Its_Ry_Bruh
I will say there is not sex here in the beginning, there is some foreplay and fondling, but no sex. This is a true story, so if I were to add sex to this part it would be false, but I do promise there will be plenty of sex scenes throughout the series. -This is almost a 100% true story. Only names have been changed. As well as mini details have been added so the reader doesn't get too bored. Storyline and events are in order and real, enjoy. One more week until Sophomore year. I had just made this realization as I walked into my new school for their orientation. I opened the door to let my father and my younger brother into the main foyer of the school where the secretaries, principal, and other staff, that the students don't care to make interaction with unless required, remained. The school was small, really small. Containing a population of 200 students in whole and includes grades not 9-12, but 6-12. I honestly don’t know why the fuck I chose to come here other than the fact that it’s a charter school for media arts. It’s called MACCS, or Media Arts Collaborative Charter School. It is a two story school with two main halls, the top one, and the bottom one. The first story of the building was mainly, if not all classes excluding the main office. It was all new to me because I transferred over from a public school consisting of 2,000 students and none of them were 6-8. I walked down the main hall of the first story, looking at all the classes as I walked through. It’s ...
... like looking for a house on a straight street. My father and brother, Kyle, was following me to the end of the hall until we reached the stairs to head to the cafeteria, yes the cafeteria is upstairs. The steps went up half way of the building then you'd loop around and start heading the other half up to the second story. Voices were getting louder as I could no longer make out the echo of my feet tapping the floor. The second story is weird. There's a hallway that leads from the stairs to the left so that it ran widthwise with the building instead of lengthwise with the building like the first floor. this sub hallway had a class and bathrooms branching off of it, again like a street, at the end were two other classrooms, one being the teachers lounge. I walked down this hall with the two other set of steps behind me as I made a right where the hallway continued and led to the cafeteria… I have never seen such a diverse group of people in one room. I thought, it being a highschool with midschoolers and only 200 students, that all the kids would be a bunch of antisocial nerds. Out of the 300 some people, about 100 of them being adults, I was only able to make out 3, maybe 4 people who fit my expectation of the population of the school. From what it looked like, parents were sitting at chairs around the cafeteria’s perimeter as all the kids sat at the tables. “Go find a seat Ryan, I’m going to go find one for myself” my dad said quietly, but firmly enough for me to hear. “Alright ...