Date: 5/14/2017, Categories: True Story Anal Bi-sexual Consensual Sex Author: Hellraser
... dick in her hands. I knew I'd have to do something about Barb and Tracy, since I'd obviously made a choice. Should I just turn a blind eye and let the two of them go at it? What to do, what to do. There were actually not that many people who stayed at the lake all summer. Crap! Tracy and I had tried romancing the weekend visitors (female) until we were just plain frustrated. The girls were either too young or too old. I would have better luck, but where would that leave Tracy? Time will tell what this summer's crop of tourists would have to offer. Sure enough, the next Thursday, Tracy's dad came over and asked me if I was still up for an exciting summer at the lake. He wanted me to do some more repairs, for which he'd pay me a fair wage plus my room and board to watch his 'kids' while his wife and himself were in town all week. He assured me they'd both be there every weekend so it wasn't like I'd be trapped there with the young'uns all the time. Damn guy, get a clue. I suppose in his alcoholic fog I looked like the best choice to keep the 'kids' out of their hair and a lid on their activities. I told him sure, I'd do the work and watch Tracy and Barb and whoever all summer. Slapping me on the back, he told me to stop by his store Friday and pick up grocery and gas money for the coming weekend. The motorcycle had gone the way as a trade-in on a 2 year old Mustang hard top. Friday arrived and the four of us drove to Tracy's dad's store. His dad gave me a couple of blank ...
... checks and $50 cash. As we were making out a grocery list, he asked if I'd mind hauling up a box for him and put it in the main cabin when we got there. I opened my trunk and he loaded it in, slapping me on the back and telling me what a responsible young man I was. Finally, we were off to the cabin, by our horny little selves, with no parental unit snooping. When we'd made the 40 mile trip, we opened the cabins for the first time since last fall and let them air out. I asked the girls if they needed to open their bedroom windows and they told me they wouldn't be sleeping there, so why bother. I opened the trunk a grabbed the box Tracy's dad put in there - CRAP! it was heavy. After toting it in the cabin, I set it on the dining room table and just kinda opened it. 24 bottles of booze of about every flavor. I guess the parental units would be off to a typical summer The girls and Tracy hauled our bags into the caboose. The girls immediately started fussing with our 'guy' stuff, arranging it so it suited THEM. Damn, at least my own mom left my crap alone as long as it wasn't scattered all over the floor. Thinking to myself, it was time to sort out the Tracy/Barb situation. I told the girls to take a walk down to the local store and grab as much pop as they could carry and gave Barb a $20. Sitting on one of our built-in couches I asked Tracy what his plans were. "I wanna try and get with one of the tourists this year. Having our own cabin and no parents oughta make it easy." "So, ...