Date: 5/14/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Author: Hellraser
... plastic pipe for me to tie into the well system and electrical wire to splice into the house wiring. With running water and electricity, we needed little else. Oh, we did put up funky little curtains over the few windows on the lower level and made the 'crows nest' into a fold-out queen bed. Now the real story begins............ Tracy and I, being normal pubescent teens kind of went into a homosexual stage - mutual masturbation, a little sucking and finally fucking one another. This was all great and took the 'edge' off, but was a poor substitute for what we really wanted....real live girls! At this point in the story, I need to fill you in on Tracy's family situation. His mom and dad were die-hard alcoholics and once his dad was home from work, it took him probably an hour to get blind drunk, his mom not being far behind. Tracy also had a sister a year younger, making her a gangly thirteen year old, blond hair, titless, no ass and kinda scrawny legs. Barb was different than most little sisters- never telling the parents or adults what went on at home or at our new cabin. The neat thing was, she ran around with another young lady of thirteen but who was starting to blossom out into young womanhood. Sal had lost her baby fat and was tall for her age, almost as tall as Tracy. She had developed probably A cupped breasts and had the beginnings of a cute bubble butt. Sal was a very quiet girl, had hardly anything to say, even when directly addressed, but went along with whatever ...
... Barb wanted to do. Funny, Tracy and I never mentioned any sexual feelings toward either girl the whole summer we stayed in our new cabin( the girls stayed in the main cabin with Barb's folks). We DID, however wonder from time to time, what went on in there because, being true to form, both parents were drunk on their asses about an hour after arriving at the lake. They also had a lot of friends over who'd party till the wee hours most weekends. What the girls did while this was happening I'll never know. We were aware that Barb's mom, although kinda grossly overweight would get down to her bra and panties after the sun went down and dance around the living room of their cabin- entertaining the guests, I suppose. As I mentioned, Tracy and I explored each other that summer and sat and talked for hours of what we'd do with a 'real' woman, but like everything, time passes and summer came to a close. School the next year was a bore, as usual, but I managed to score a Honda 65 motor cycle. Wow, mobility! Tracy and I nearly wore the tires off that coming spring. One day, I had the dubious pleasure of sweeping out and straightening the garage for my dad. I'd finished and was sitting on a folding chair in the shade of the garage door, nursing a soda to cool off when Tracy ran over and told me I'd never believe what Barb and Sal were doing. "Ok, what?" waiting for the other shoe to fall. "I dunno what it is their doing but they call it 'witchy' and they keep running around the house, ...