1. Youth

    Date: 5/14/2017, Categories: True Story Anal Bi-sexual Consensual Sex Author: Hellraser

    ... rubbing on furniture." Well, this I had to see first hand, so over to his house we went. Remember when I mentioned his parents were seldom home? True to daily form they were absent and not expected back til evening. We walked into the living room and there were Barb and Sal rubbing their crotches along welting on the back of the sofa, evidently enjoying the texture of the heavy polyester against their panty-clad pussies. Seeing me there, they stopped and looked kind of embarrassed and turned several shades of red when I asked them just ' what ' they were doing. Barb, never the bashful one, said "We thought up something to do. We call it Witchy. It feels SO good when we do it." Sally just sat there, looking at Tracy and I with the 'deer-in-the-headlights' look. "Ladies, there are much better ways to get that same feeling and a lot more fun too" I said, looking them directly in the eye. "How do we do that?" Barb said with a smile. "Come into Tracy's bedroom and I'll demonstrate." At this point, I should elaborate that another neighbor, an eighteen year old girl had introduced me into eating pussy, ass fucking and blow jobs during the previous fall and winter, but that's a story for another time. Needless to say, if the girls were willing. I was ready to rock their world. Tracy wouldn't be a problem- just tell him what to do and he'd go at it, possibly without the finesse I'd learned, but certainly with enthusiasm. After entering the bedroom, I told the girls to strip off. ...
    ... Barb jumped on the bed and did a little dance as she dropped her t-shirt, soon followed by her panties. Sal was a little slower to respond, but after seeing Barb nude and hopping all over the bed, stood and within a minute, was as bare-assed as her friend. THIS is when I first got a close up look at Sal's charms. She was possibly a year more mature than Barb. Compared to Barb, she had a chest full at a B cup, whereas Barb still had mosquito stings on hers. Barb had a near featurless little slit, zero hairs and still had no ass. Sal, on the other hand, had breasts, not big - more like a third of a grapefruit, womanly hips and a bulgy little twat. Barb chimed in and said it wasn't fair for them to be naked while we were still in our street clothes. She added that she'd never seen a 'grown man's cock' and she wanted to see mine. ( I about died here-me? with a grown man's dick?? Not likely, but who was I to burst her bubble). I looked at Tracy and said "Strip", whereas we both got naked at about the same moment. I was hard as a steel rod at a modest 6.5 inches ( I knew- Tracy and I had measured each other often). Barb crawled across the bed on her knees in front of me and asked if she could hold it - who am I to refuse a lady? Putting it in her little hand, she bent her fingers around it. "Gawd! It's so warm and hard and soft at the same time" she cried, Sal had yet to grab at Tracy but I could tell by her eye movements she was considering it. "Go on - touch it. Hold my brother's ...