1. Youth

    Date: 5/14/2017, Categories: True Story Anal Bi-sexual Consensual Sex Author: Hellraser

    ... it. When we'd all go to the lake and swim, I'd pull my bottoms off, hoping you'd get close and I could brush up against you and let you know I was naked under the water, but you didn't ever get close enough to me. Ya know what? I never quit trying though. At night, Barb and I would sneak out and we'd watch you guys beneath the bottom of the curtains you put up. Boys! You don't know anything about curtains. They have to fall BELOW the window to keep people from peeking and peek we did. We watched about everything you and Tracy did and all I wished that it was me in there with you." Wow! this is the most I've heard this girl talk in the two years I've known her. "While we're on the subject of the lake, tell me - do weird things happen in the main cabin?" "You mean after dark when everyone is tanked up? Oh yeah, creepy things. Tracy's mom will start taking off her clothes and she dances nude with whoever is sober enough to stand up. Last year, she and his dad tried to get both of us to dance around for them. I think her mom actually fucks whatever guys are visiting for the weekend. For a long time, I thought they slept on the couch and got up before we did, but last year when we started spying on you and Tracy, we'd sneak out after midnight and no one was in the living room. That meant they all had to be in her mom's bedroom. If we came in early in the day when they'd just started drinking, her dad and some of the visitors kept trying to get us to sit on their laps. We'd stay ...
    ... with you guys as long as possible and only go to Barb's room when everyone was drunk. We were afraid to sleep for fear one of them would come in the room with us. That was one of the reasons we snuck out." "You poor kid, why didn't you at least tell one of us. I wasn't really paying attention to you as a woman then, but I'd have let you share a bunk with us...way better than staying up because you're scared." "Listen to me. If I'd have done that, I don't know what I would have tried after you fell asleep. I'd have proved to you I wasn't just a little girl any more." "So summer is here and we'll be headed for the lake. I think this year, since I'm so 'old and responsible' , Tracy's mom & dad will probably leave us out there all week long. His dad still has to work through the week, I have no clue what Barb's mom does all day, except she's never home. I would bet we will pretty much have the place to ourselves except on the weekends." "So what will you do with two little girls all week?" "Make sure they get bedded properly, I mean bedded down properly" With this, she broke into a spasm of giggling. Since she was in a happy mood now, I couldn't resist it, so I dug my fingers into her ribs and armpits. Wrong move...she wet her pants from laughing so hard. Oh well, I carried her into the shower and we washed off the pee and all the dried cum sticking to her body. I let her soap up my dick and nuts...she just had a ball doing that, telling me she'd never spent so much time holding a ...